
Minimo 0.0.7

In case anyone was wondering what could be Minimo’s key features…
MinSky 😉
And no, it not just that Skype will be on your phone. It’s that you’ll be able to use tons of extensions that are avaible for Firefox.

With SVG, XForms, XTF, Canvas and others features of Gecko engine, small device market is going to see something fresh…


Mozilla Corporation

Now, when it’s announced, we can say it loudly – horay! 🙂
I think that this is a good idea. It allows us to split commercial goals from project management.
Now we have:

  • – a project, source code, hackers, community, activists, projects, ideas, bugs, etc.
  • Mozilla Foundation – leading the project. Group of people working to manage the project. Non profit, has employers. All employees are working for project in some way (hacking, admins, project managers, etc.)
  • Mozilla Corporation – A company controlled by Mozilla Foundation dealing with commercial tasks of Mozilla mainstream products like Firefox and Thunderbird. Promotion, commercial support, money-related deals etc. Some of Mozilla Corporation employers are hacking in project, others deals with mainstream products promotion, security audits, etc.

Notice: This is my personal description. It is not official in any way. To read official information head to, Frank’s blog,Tristan’s blog or Mitchell’s blog

From what they write it’s not a big change. Just a way to solve the issue “we spend money and we’re non-profit”. The same people will do the same job, just in a bit better way. 😉
L10N issue won’t be touched this time. We’re still where we were yesterday.

I recived a few questions about this, so, to be clear.
I described mother project – Mozilla and it’s structures. In Europe we have Mozilla Europe – Mozilla Foundation’s affiliate being a mix of MoFo and MoCo and dealing with european projects, locale teams and marketing (like MoFo) and commercial support and brand (like MoCo).

In Poland, we have MozillaPL , MoFo-like group having three members (GmbH, Nikdo and me – everyone else is NOT a member of MozillaPL team no matter what he wrote). MozillaPL takes care of MozillaPL community (
And we have AviaryPL (a’ka still-without-website) team (more or less MoCo-like) dealing with products. But neither MozillaPL nor AviaryPL has any money related issues. We’re non-profit (this may change for AviaryPL but not for MozillaPL in time).


Opera will be Opera now and IE is going to shake WaSP hand

Finally, Opera will stop spoofing IE – I was asking for this since 2001. The whole “Opera has much more users but poor stat analyzers are fooled by it’s UI” shit. It’s one of the mantra sentences repeated by all Opera usersdevelopers.
And, what’s more important, the last “web world software dirty hack” will get it’s end. No more spoofing, every browser has it’s name, it’s features and (!!!) support standards. So web authors follow standards and everyone’s happy.
Yes. IE7 too. And, like Robert wrote, it’s extremly good news. It will not only give us (Firefox, Opera, KHTML) a chance to gain market while Microsoft will push it’s users to switch browser but also will make IE6 obsolate much earlier. Good. Good. I only want to hear one more thing from MS – that they will release next version in a year from IE7.