
Sunny California

Hi all from Palo Alto in California! 🙂

I just’ve joined the crew after 12 hour flight, went to restaurant where we enjoyed some supper and drinks. I had a great chat in a Mozilla Europe’s table owned by Axel, Tristan, Peter, Olivier and Ania and me 🙂
I also had a chance to meet Chris Beard, Benjamin Smedberg and I even saw MScott, but I will never accept he’s so young 😉

We were very tired after the flight so Ania and me we took a early taxi with Tristan and I’m plugging off now to get up tomorrow morning and be at 10:00 am in the Mozilla office for Mark Pilgrim’s talk.

Today we spent some time during the lunch on Mozilla Europe’s and L10n issues and we will spend much more on this thread by tomorrow including long awaited Pike’s talk.

On Thursday will be the big day since I will finally meet my Flock’s crew and chat about some crucial things for my work.

On Friday we plan to keep talking about Mozilla Europe’s future, and during the weekend we’ll do sideseeing to finally get back to Poland on Tuesday.

good night

3 replies on “Sunny California”

And in Warsaw is gloomy, rainy, and shades of grey everywhere. Bring us some sunny photos!!! 🙂

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