
Day 2

I need a lot of time to sleep after my journey. This morning, almost overslept the van that took me to MoFo office.

At 10:00 am, Mark Pilgrim gave a great talk about his experience with the greasemonkey, python, and his vision for the web.
Then we went for the lunch to Google’s camp. It looks awsome and the food is good 🙂
After the lunch we went back and I choosed Brendan’s talk about Javascript 2.0. Brendan is the man with the vision, the combination that leads to success. And JS 2.0 looks great! Why we didn’t have it when we were working on Alladyn? 🙁
Then Schrep summerized the 1.5 release, we had a general talk about wins and looses, we mentioned a lot of L10n problems and it seems that Mozilla agrees that better solution is required.
Next hour was a L10n talk by Pike, which was great and I’m happy to see this subject covered more and more by the Gecko authors as this is more important than enything else for what I’m working on in Flock.
I spent next hour moving between Luke’s talk about Firefox’s market charts and Bsmedberg’s talk about XulRunner apps and future.
Next hour I was running between tor’s SVG talk and Brendan’s 1.8/1.9 Gecko branch plans and the last hour running between David’s talk about his Reflow branch and general talk about Places.
Yes, I think that too many great talks took place pararelly. 🙁

After that, we had a lunch with some pizza’s (yuck, I’ll never like american’s pizza.) and (fortunately) european beer. 🙂
Now I’m sitting with my laptop, with a Heineken in my hand and watching someBatman movie (yes, social thingy ;)).

In a hour I’ll go with Ben Turner to join Flock’s crew at a dinner at Beppos restaurant.

The talks were awsome. It’s a pitty that such general, great talks that are extremly interesting for many people who contribute to our code and comaines that releases Gecko based products were not here. I hope that next time Mozilla will organize more open Moz Conference.
My first impressions is that things are going to go in a way better form. Almost every little thing I could think that doesn’t work in Mozilla was covered during the talks with the very good notes and solutions. I’m especially happy to see that L10n becames more important than ever and it’s not that it’s a separate subject, but it’s there on every level – we were discussing L10n issues on talks about Gecko timeline, SVG, statistics, marketing, everywhere!

Tomorrow we’ll have a Mozilla Europe’s internal discussion about it’s goals and future, and the Flock’s talk.
I’ll spend Friday and Saturday in Flock, and take the Sunday off to visit some things around with Ania.

Ok, plugging off to get another bottle of beer. Cheers!

2 replies on “Day 2”

One day? That is not too long…
I hope that by now you at least have a picture of yourself and Ania at Stanford University, as that is VERY close to you.

If you could ask smb local, then for Sunday you could go North,.
The first photo opportunity is by Oracle headquaters with its disk shaped silos. I suggest taking a picture from the back of the Sofitel Hotel (the same chain as Victoria in Warsaw).
Do not spend time in SF. There is a hill (a tower? – I do not remember) with a view of the city. Try either Lech Walesa Street (Downtown, but very difficult to find) close to the Polish parish or that famous very steep street. However parking will be much easier Downtown than there.
Then continue North to Golden Gate Bridge. A word of warning though, being a foreigner is not an excuse to stop at disallowed places to take a picture of it – quite opposite… And police is (too) serious at that famous location.

Next you __must__ go to Muir Woods (Park Narodowy z pięknymi cedrami/sekwojami).
It is not marked on Google maps, but later go to Muir Beach – just for the contrast with Łeba 😉 To get there take Shoreline Highway to Sunset Way.

If you are with smb, who knows the area go back taking 580, bridge, then go through Berkley, Oakland and San Mateo Bridge to Half Moon Bay, and Palo Alto. And if they really know the Bay Area, ask them to show you on your way back the houses on mountain slopes with parking spots (garaże) on roofs, and maybe the ones where you have to use a ladder to get from one level to another.

Enjoy! And remember that Texas, Chicago or New York are yet very, very different.

P.S. To Americans, Lech is just an extremely famous Polish personality. Try to NOT explain anything to them.

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