
Lightning 20050922

In case anyone would like to test the current state of Lightning I builded this extension.
You can download it from here. It’s not too stable ATM, but according to Simon they’re getting nearer and nearer 😉

Just launch your Thunderbird 1.5 beta and install the extension.


Most underestimated Open Source tool

Yesterday I found a special edition of some computer magazin with “100 best Open Source apps”… Cool.
I started thinking about most underestimated open source tool. The tool that doesn’t exist in media, that has no vibrant group of activists, that is not attached to PC magazines, that is not mentioned weekly on ./.

My choice is Ardour. Great, extremly proffesional audio workstation. It’s open source, platform independent, free, powerfull and stable, yet I never found any article about it, any review… Silent.
I’m using Ardour on regular basis to compose and mix music and I find it perfect.

If you know any other app that could be added to Ardour here, drop a note please.


Minimo 0.0.9

DougT posted a note that Minimo 0.0.9 is there!
Also, the first 3 people who’ll find non-duplicated bugs will get some stuff from MoFo! 🙂

Doug is also gathering the device matrix on which Minimo works or not!

I’m very interested in quiris’s review ;>

po polsku


Troche humoru rodem z #aviarypl: (uwaga, to nie sa oficjalne stanowiska AviaryPL lub Mozilli Foundation!) ;p


SIP + Gecko = ZAP

Alex just published a big post on what’s going on with ZAP project which aims to develop SIP client in Gecko.

If everything goes well, we’ll have 0.1 release this week!


Congratz to Opera!

Finally Opera became free changing it’s state from adware to freeware.
It’s a good day for us all. It’s a (as I said previously) a great motivation for Mozilla folks since it’s
the first Firefox’s competitor on the modern browsers mainstream market.
Unfortunately it still has “MSIE 6.0” in user-agent name – and this is the very last thing that melts the competition. Once this will be fixed, all arguments of low Opera market share will disappear.

Another issue is the money. Opera seems to be pushed by Firefox to make this step, that’s obvious. I’m not too happy to hear some marketing bullshit like “After 10 years we suddenly discovered that users don’t like adverts in their browser! So we took it away. We are so cool! “. Opera is either in great financial condition and browser market is the way they want to advertise themselves, or they’re in bad shape, and realized that it’s ‘now or never’ for them. My bets are on former one, but we’ll see… soon…

Anyway, it’s a great time on the browser market. The web is speeding up, technologies are finally once more being developed, we’re moving toward the new way of creating web applications, and modern web browsers are able to handle those new technologies. The web is free, and users are the winners of this competition.
From my point, as a Mozilla coder I can promise you that we will be working hard to bring you the best tools, easiest to use, with the greatest engine under the hood. Heads up to Firefox 1.5, and, you can just start sniffing what’s for Gecko 1.9, what’s for Mozilla 2.0, what’s for Firefox 2.0, soon to beta-release Lightning, and some plans around Thunderbird (not mentioning pre-1.0 Seamonkey and Camino). Think twice before comparing Mozilla technologies with Opera, Konqueror or Internet Explorer.

Saying that – for users, this day is a good one. Opera – welcome to the free world 🙂


How to say “crash”?

Woo… this idea is cool. How to explain to user that his app just crashed?
Kollaboration project is awesome!

po polsku


Today I spent 2 hours at the Ministry of Sience and Informatization (MNII) with Piotr Waglowski and Władysław Majewski.
What I can say is… They’re all using Firefox! (not suprised? hah!)


IE GUI’s author uses Firefox now!

Following marcoos’s post:

Scott Berkun, author of UI in Internet Explorer 1.0 up to 5.0 (and since 6.0 is 99% similar to 5.0, he’s the author of whole IE UI), just switched to Firefox – what a yummy news 🙂
I hardly can find better provements, that what we’re doing is good. Very good.

He also points out a few UI flaws in Firefox – I agree more than less with his notes. (damn! Bring back download sidebar he said!)

Since he was slashdotted – here comes the mirror.


3 news

Thee rather important news for my readers.

1) Axel Hecht became a voice of l10n world in Mozilla Corp. – kudoz to him for his awesome contribution to the project.
I had a pleasure to met him personally and I really see the future much brighter for l10n now! 🙂

2) Two months ago, at 12.07.2005, Mozilla Europe General Ordinary Assembly took the place. I wanted to wait for official announcement, but it seems that holiday time made it forgotten so I’m announcing it now. On the assembly, my humble person was elected as a new member of Mozilla Europe’s Board of Directors.

3) I finally bought a notebook. It’s pretty and sweet Acer Aspire 5024 (version with 80GB HDD) for 1,179 €. Hoah! 🙂

That’s all for now. I’m going to some studio to help preparing some merketing stuff for Firefox 1.5… No more about it for now… It’s a secret 😉