
On tab close button in Fx 1.5

zrzut ekranu1

Heh, I really understand that once Ben and Google folks made usability tests, the results said that the very obvious feature from Flock, Camino, Safari and Opera is better.
But take a look at those bugs – suprise. People were asking for that!

I’m not sure if I like Firefox’s version. I think that I’d prefer to be able to close any tab – not only the focused one. On the other hand this could let me close tabs by accident, so maybe close button should be by default disabled for background tabs (with UI option to make it enabled). Hmm???

Another nice thing is that now, when you open a new tab from another, and close it, the focus will go to that “parent” tab, not the first on the left. It’s a really good choice.

I’m a bit suprised that Ben decided to remove a really nice option to create a new tab by double-clicking on tab bar. What’s wrong with that, Ben?

Note: Mozilla never made a “RC” goal. Always, there were UI and L10n changes after RC. We should really stop using “RC” name for it not to confuse users, media and ourselves 馃槈

Update: Confused… Bug 308396 has a “UE fixes for tabbed browsing for 1.5” title, but in last comment says that it won’t get into 1.5…


Mozilla Product Strategy

It’s only a proposal, but this looks to me like “Ok, we must release more often to stay on a field”. I’m happy with that.
It means that we’ll have Gecko 1.9 branched in Q4 2006 (so we have time to make huge improvements) but Firefox 1.5 and Firefox 2.0 will be released earlier so users can have their cookies.

I’m wondering if Gecko 1.9 will became 2.0… it seems that the differences between 1.8 and 1.9 will be huge.

po polsku

Flock 0.4.10 pl dost臋pny

Dzi艣 pojawi艂 si臋 Flock 0.4.10 oraz jego polska wersja. Flock 0.4.10 pl ma wi臋cej zlokalizowanych ci膮g贸w znakowych, zmieni艂em “tagi” na “znaczniki”, a “gwiazdy” na “oznacz gwiazdk膮”. Czekam na uwagi.

Flock 0.4.10 Windows
Flock 0.4.10 Linux

Mi艂ego Flockowania 馃檪


Some thoughts about Flock

Last days where we had a big wave, first press articles, blogs and whole IT community was praising Flock, then the reaction was quite fast and people who don’t understand the reasons behind the Flock started blaming it.
Let’s sum up most common issues:


Firefox and Thunderbird 1.5 pl freeze

Polish localizations of Firefox 1.5 and Thunderbird 1.5 will be frozen on saturday. I strongly recommend other l10n teams to do the same.


Interesting times

If everything will go well…. humm… For the second time in my life, my hobby, thing that I was working on by nights and weekends, will became my job.

Today, I had a phone call from California…

po polsku

Flock 0.4.9 po Polsku!

Przepraszam, 偶e musieli艣cie czeka膰 tak d艂ugo.

Oto jest. Flock 0.4.9 pl!

Wersja linuksowa:

Dla innych OS’贸w przygotuje buildy p贸藕niej. W tej chwili mo偶ecie po prostu wej艣膰 do katalogu flock/chrome, skasowa膰 en-US.jar i en-US.manifest i rozpakowa膰 w tym miejscu plik:

Przet艂umaczy艂em wszystko co jest specyficzne dla Flocka, reszt臋 wzi膮艂em z t艂umaczenia Firefoksa AviaryPL ( kawa艂ek z Thunderbirda). Dodatkowo zmodyfikowa艂em Pomoc aby odpowiada艂a potrzebom Flocka – g艂贸wnie por贸wnanie skr贸t贸w klawiaturowych z Oper膮 i Internet Explorerem.

Wszystkie problemy s膮 win膮 zespo艂u Flocka. Wiele wpis贸w jest jeszcze zakodowanych na sztywno. Jest to pierwsza wersja t艂umaczenia i nie jestem pewien jakie b臋dzie ostateczne t艂umaczenie s艂贸w “Star” i “Tag”. Czekam na Wasze propozycje.

Mi艂ego Flockowania 馃檪


Flock dance

I’m dancing around the Flock now.
It also pushed me to make the switch. I willhave two blogs. This one will stay a technical one, for all my Firefox, Mozilla, KDE etc. related stuff, and another will be my private place for everything including politic and private sounds.
I also created my, but I don’t like it’s design, and I’m not sure how to play with it for the moment. Overall, I’ll play with it more during the weekend, and drop one more note about the move once I’m ready.


Flock 0.5 – short tour

Wow… this is really sweet. I’m writing it in Flock 0.5.

What is Flock? Flock is a new web browser developed by people from Round Two based on Mozilla Firefox 1.4.

It’s a social browsing experiment which is just an expanding of what we did with Google. Adding functionality of some web services into the browser so the user can use the power of social ideas like, Flickr or Technorati within the browser.


Opera 9.0 Preview 1

Opera released it’s 9.0 Preview 1 at

What’s new? A lot.