
FLOSS talk

I’m glad to announce that I’ll have a talk at “Free Software in public administration” conference on 17th September 2005 in Radisson Hotel in Warsaw.
My talk has a topic “Firefox – desire of freedom” and I’ll be discussing the role of Free Software and Open Standards in critical user applications like web browser, mail client, IM client etc.

The conference is for free!


Firefox 1.5 beta1 l10n

According to Pike, we will have localized Firefox 1.5 beta1 releases!

For Polish testers, please report any bug on our site. Here you have the list of bugs that are already in the process of fixing for Firefox 1.5/Thunderbird 1.5.


The state of Linux Graphics

I just’ve found Jon Smirl’s article about state of Linux graphics [pl translation].

I’m not graphics expert. KDE 4 is the very first development of GUI I’m tracking carefully. I have great hopes and I think that we can create something really awesome, but I must admit that all work and ideas that are flying around this projects are about how to push to maximum the abilities of current server with some small improvements like Exa.
But in case KDE team is working such huge improvement it should be a good point to improve also server and use the new features – 3D features I mean.
Otherwise, after KDE4 release, we will have to wait for KDE 5 (year 2009?) to get a full 3D system which will use the modern (today’s!) 3d acceleration architecture.
We’ll, it seems that wounds after XFree86 project will costs us a lot of time 馃檨 Maybe this discussion will give us a chance to speed up in this segment?


Zack and demo

Zack Rusin’s demo from aKademy 2005 at Malaga is here.
The link is about “xgl”, but I’m almost sure that Zack presented Exa, not xgl there. And if so than this is what we will have in 7.0/6.9 – quite soon! And yes, that’s what will be used in KDE 4. Finally we have our response for Gnome’s demo from last year 馃檪

Beside of that… Guess what browser Zack uses there… humm… is this… Firefox? 馃檪


Next mockups of KDE4

aKademy 2005 is now finished, we’ll soon have some movies, I just can’t wait for Zack Rusin’s video from talk about beauty in KDE4 about Exa and modern 3D stuff for KDE4 using QT4.
For the moment you can take a look at two mockups made by Adrien Facelina. Link 1 and Link 2.
Others – Link 1, Link 2. I think it’s a direction we should take about themes.

po polsku

kurs CSS

Wczoraj sko艅czy艂em t艂umaczy膰 kurs CSS dla DevmoPL.
Kurs jest napisany 艣wietnie, moim zdaniem. Logiczny, prosty, 艂atwo si臋 czyta, mocno podporz膮dkowany standardom, zgodny z CSS 2.1 – czego wi臋cej chcie膰? 馃檪
Przyda艂oby si臋 jeszcze, 偶eby kto艣 z Operowc贸w albo Konquerorowc贸w zajrza艂 i sprawdzi艂, czy nie ma Mozillyzm贸w (a je艣li znajdzie to poprawi艂 tak偶e w angielskiej wersji!).
T艂umaczenie zaj臋艂o mi prawie 2 miesi膮ce, ale to g艂贸wnie z braku czasu. Teraz chce si臋 zaj膮膰 pisaniem w艂asnego kursu dla JavaScript-a, podobnego w strukturze do kursu CSS. 馃檪

P.S. Dzi臋kuje Witii i innym za korekt臋 j臋zykow膮! 馃檪


Opera plays their ball

Another nice marketing idea from Opera.
After the last rumours about Opera going freeware there were two possibilites. The rumours were right or wrong (Oh! So wise!). If the rumours were right, preparing such campaign is a very clever move. You get free news/press, you get blog news etc. People keeps talking about Opera. They might do some more “promotions” like this before really switching to freeware. Bravo!
If the rumours were wrong, then they must do actions like this not to gather bad press (imagine article “Everyone was sure that Opera will be freeware, but they only gave their users new forums… Such a disappointment”).
I think that the former one is truth, and Opera is just playing with the last days of occasional promotions for product that will be free in a short time.
For example, imagine the amount of people who promoted Opera with buttons for weeks, months, to get those 250 clicks… And I got Opera with one small email. But the amount of noise in press about both actions is the same, so Opera wins.

I’m still saying that Mozilla should learn from Opera that sometimes you can do small step to gather big marketing advantage (as my favourite example – we really could’ve SVG first).


s/JavaScript/Python in Gecko?

If you love python, hate javascript, and want to work in Gecko… head to bug 255942 in b.m.o.
Gecko 1.9 will be scripting language neutral and will support Python.
What next? Perl? Tcl? VBScript? (sic!)


OSCON – far away

At October 17th begins EuroOSCON 2005. I’d love to get there, the agenda is awesome…
Unfortunately, the price is crazy. It’s far, far to high for me to pay it, no matter what discout I’d take.
I’m wondering how long it’ll take for my country to reach the level when a coder in a medium-size company can handle such a price…


KFirefox news

Guys from KDE are writing status updates from aKademy. TSDGeos TSDgeos and Ervin wrote about day second.

The most important part for Mozilla world is that Gecko can be embedded into Konqueror(hopefully this will work in KDE 3.5) and that Dirk Mueller was payed to port Firefox to QT.