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MiniOpenWebCamp in Prague :)

As a part of the Mozilla DevDay in Prague this Friday we will hold a Mini Open Web Camp at the afternoon.

Drumbeat img by Mark Surman

The idea is to use the energy of DevDay participants to get their feedback on the major issues we’re currently addressing with Mozilla project.

We have a room booked, and we hope to attract all algorithmically impaired people (the others will probably go to Mozilla Labs Hack Session) to join us for a two hour brainstorm.

The formula may change, but currently we’re planning to set a list of topics and go over them with Mark Surman (ED in Mozilla Foundation) and Tristan Nitot (President of Mozilla Europe) igniting each of them by having a short conversation in front of the public. At some point, we’re turning it into a round table and invite participants to share their views and address the concerns.

The meeting will probably be small enough to gain an atmosphere of teamwork and I hope it’ll be a great journey over the current challenges of the Internet and an opportunity to make an impact on how those might be solved!

Please, do not hesitate to register, and join us there 🙂

main mozilla tech

MozCamp in Victoria tomorrow

Tomorrow I’m attending MozCamp Victoria.

I’m excited to see so many of my old colleagues from Flock there as well as people from Mozilla Messaging, Mozilla Foundation and ActiveState most of whom I didn’t have chance to meet yet.

We were hoping (with Mark and Zak) to craft a little MozCamp+ Net Literacy Workshop around, but it didn’t work out yet. I hope we’ll find time to talk about it more.

In short, the idea of Net Literacy Workshop is to gather a bunch of people from schools, universities or straight from streets and show them how they can protect their privacy, how they can avoid viruses/trojans/phishing and how they can efficiently use the Internet to improve their productivity. How to wisely use social networks, cloud computing, wikis. Show people how easy it is to set up an own blog or custom wiki. Explain the tools they have to stimulate their creativity and guide them through the basic tools that are respecting their privacy, are free and open, and can make their Internet experience richer.

It’s one of the ideas that is on my mind recently. How can we use the market share of Firefox to deliver the promise of Mozilla. Choice and Innovation. How to use it as a tool for broader goals. If we have, say 30-40% of the market share in one country, how can we really use it? Where can we go from there?

I believe that the idea of Net Literacy Workshops, or various kinds of so-called MozCamp+ events is exactly the kind of think we can start investigating in countries like Poland, Hungary, Romania, Finland or Slovenia. Delivering Mozilla Manifesto values using organic communities. You’ll find more on that at Mark Surman’s blog.