
Deer Park Alpha2 released!

Drag&Drop tab reordering, Fast Back&Forward, new Software update mechanism, improved popup blocking and many other fixes were added in alpha2 🙂
Now we’re going for beta.

We’re also almost ready with L10N stuff for 1.1 beside two or three small bugs.
Firefox 1.0 is available in 34 languages (including en-US).
For 1.1 we have 32 (+ en-US) Firefox localizations ready to serve and 31 (+ en-US) Thunderbird ones.
And remember that we’re in alpha2 stage!
Thanks to Google Summer Code we will have at least 4 more (those are languages we had big problems to localize, and they has to be localized from scratch), and I just chatted with persian localizer who’s going to start working on his locale. 🙂

About AviaryPL work – we’ll fix most of bugs before beta cycle. I want to have all this bugs about Sanitize and switching “tabs” from “panele” to “karty” ready before Deer Park beta.

By the way. Something very happy and extremely motivating about my work for Mozilla project happened yesterday. I’m very proud about that, but I’ll better wait for official announcement before blogging 😉