
Firefox ads in europe!

Mozilla Europe is advertising Firefox in a few european countries like Germany, France, UK, Italy and Poland!
Enter, type “browser” or “przeglądarka”, watch 🙂

It’s the first Mozilla ad campaign in Poland ever! Woo Hoo! 🙂

po polsku

PL stats for 12-18.VII.2005

Browser: Users: Percent:
MSIE 6137998 79.86
Firefox 942023 12.26
Opera 452028 5.88
Mozilla 108413 1.41
Netscape 31426 0.41
Mac MSIE 6251 0.08
Safari 3232 0.04
K-Meleon 896 0.01
Konqueror 1796 0.02
Galeon 633 0.01
Epiphany 835 0.01
Camino 99 0.00

Engine: Users: Percent:
Gecko 1077463 14.02
Presto 448491 5.84
Trident 6123994 79.68
KHTML 4128 0.05