
Devmo updates

Devmo is extremly vibrant project. It’s not in beta version yet, but thanks to awesome work made by Dria and her followers, we were able to create in very short time very big knowledge database. It’s easy to use, easy to extend and now we’re a few steps from being ready for 1.0 release.
Early next week we will move from MediaWiki 1.4 to MediaWiki 1.5. MW 1.5 is much faster, has better database schema, improved user management and many others. For localizers it’s most important new feature is ability to get email when any change to the selected document happens.
Also, Devmo will use two of my patches – first one for Multiwiki user storage. That’s the one allowing you to switch language without need to log in once more. Second one allows us to create external redirects. If the value of #redirect [[value]] starts with http:// or https:// it will redirect to external domain.

The last but not least change is that we’ll have a new skin. It’s really awesome! Take a look:
English Devmo
Polish Devmo
Test Devmo with MW1.5 version

If you find any bugs or if you have any suggestion, write it here.

6 replies on “Devmo updates”

Personally I prefered the old MediaWiki skin, but I don’t think the layout is most important thing 😉
I’m happy to hear about localization convenience, now it is a bit hard to watch changes on English version.

Are there any plans to set up localized versions of DevNews and Webwatch blogs?

I’m interested in using the Devmo mediawiki in a commercial setting. As long as I contribute back to the community any changes I make (of course :), is that permissable? I checked out the devmowiki, added my LocalSettings.php, (since no config subdir) and set the skin to devmo, but just get unstyled content.

Are there anyspecial steps for using devmo wiki on our own server, assuming it’s allowed?

Please contact via the email,

I would like to use it in a non-profit wiki site. Can I download it from somewhere? Thanks!

I’m setting up a Graduate Art Research site at the Maryland Institute College of Art. We’re pretty picky about aesthetics and functionality here, as you can imagine. Devmo is the most elegant wiki skin we’ve come across, and we’d love to use it as a base for our design, if possible. Sorry, I know you must get lots of requests for this; it really is a fabulous design.

Hi, I was just wondering if (like the others here) it’s possible to use mediawiki skin for a research project I am involved in. It’s a fantastic skin, the best i’ve seen. Sorry, for yet another request. Congratulations on some great work.

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