

Oooh, Suprise!
I can see scratches on the solid Gnome wall that states that Gnome is cleaner, easier, better, lighter, faster, and the KDE is a piece of crap used by eye-candy gruppies.

And I’m happy not because I believe that Gnome is bad, but because reading techie blogs in Poland it looks like the KDE users are just using KDE, and Gnome users not only using Gnome but additionally often express their sarcastic hate for KDE in malicious jokes. So maybe we’re getting near to the day when those hardcore-gnome-hackers will start seeing KDE as a platform of choice for many people. And those users choose KDE because, in their opinion, it’s better. Can you believe that?

update: anyway, it’s very unfortunate that Linus wrote that on Gnome maillist. It really looks like a trolling. He should probably express his believes on neutral ground.

10 replies on “Use KDE”

I use gnome. It’s not as easy to configure and not as similar in feels to Windows as the other desktop, but it just does it’s job. As simple as that and without all the quirks of the other desktop.

But I am not going to ‘evangelise’ anyone 😉

Is Linus Torvals a troll?

After I’d read what Linus Torvalds said [1,2] I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I consider what Linus done as trolling, I’ve never suspected him of doing something like that, just until today.
I use GNOME and I like it much better than KD…

Well, most users surely use KDE because they think it is better. But the same applies also to the Windows users ;).

I personally prefer GNOME, maybe because it’s developers use the rule “Keep it simple, stupid”, and KDE has many functionalities that aren’t very useful, but can be shown when somebody wants to tell about how much a power user he is (but I don’t know KDE well, so maybe I’m missing the point). Simplifying, KDE is like Opera and GNOME is like Firefox. Calling GNOME users idiots is just the same trolling as calling Firefox users idiots, nothing more.

Come on people! KDE rulezz! 🙂 I mean it.
I’ve used fvwm in many flavours, Fluxbox, XFCE and Enlightenment. I’ve even given Gnome a try.
But the only DE that I “dig” is KDE. It”s simple (not simplistic) while being advanced. It’s flexible but has a rigid structure that supports it.
I like it a lot, I really do!

‘Scuse my Trolling. 😉

KDE is for people who like having zillions of checkboxes. If you’re one of them – it’s great for you. Gnome is for people who want sort of Mac-like environment on Linux, e. g. for people who like to “Keep It Simple, Stupid”.

Compare e.g. Gnome’s Preferences to KDE Control Center. The first one is clean and easy to use, the second one is so crowded with options (90% of which typical user wouldn’t even touch at all) that may seem unusable to many. Linus is a ubergeek, so he likes KDE. Normal people, and those geeks who aren’t necessarily that “uber-“, prefer Gnome.

Come on. You’re starting KDE for the first time and something called Eyecandy-o-meter says “Hello” to you.. Jesus Christ!!! What the hell were the KDE developers thinking? 🙂

It’s funny but I’m using most of KDE config options. 🙂
Configuring Gnome was a hell of a chore! As a matter of fact, I prefer “viming” Fvwm config files to messing with Gnome Preferences.
And KDE is as eye-candy as you want it to be.

I’m perfectly OK that you’re using Gnome – your life, your choice, your troubles. 😀

Oh, and NAY – I’m not a KDE fundamentalist. I just like to say what I like and what I dislike. 🙂

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