
More on Windows

New year starts with the new wave of informations about upcoming Microsoft OS. In the last post I received a lot of criticizm from MS oriented people who listed me new things that will be in Vista. I also took a look at Bill Gates’s list which seems to be similar and the new Vista Tour, to be able to talk more about what’s there and how it compares to other GUI’s.

First of all I think that the new things in Vista we can split into two groups. First is the list of under-the-hood, skeleton, API changes. Second is a list of on-top, user-focused UI things. And one thing is interesting. There seems to be no change in the relation between user and the OS. I’ll talk about it more later.

po polsku

Zły początek…

Rok 2006 zaczyna się kolejnym, bardzo nieudanym, artykułem o przeglądarkach. Znowu wygląda na to, że autor nie chciał go pisać, ktoś mu kazał, napisał na kolanie, powielając znane hasła, opierając się na jednym z wielu rankingów, który na dodatek odbiega wynikami od innych, zdania są nielogiczne (ilość dziur wykrytych w Fx będzie wzrastać w miarę zaostrzania walki z MS – a co ma piernik…?), a do połowy tez można się przyczepić (Proszę o dowody na których autor opiera przekonanie, że statystyki Opery są zaniżone w tym serwisie, lub w dowolnym innym). Smutne…


2005 was a good year for Linux

Late in 2004 I wrote a blog post (sorry, not public anymore) about my predictions for 2005. It was most focused on the WWW world, and the headline was that next two years, between Fx 1.0 and IE 7.0 will be boring. And it seems that I was right. Firefox 1.5 is nothing more than a polished version of 1.0, I really like it, beside of some memleaks I heard about (but didn’t see), Opera went free, which was so predictable that the only surprise for me was how much noise they made around (bravo!), other browser simply evolved, exciting only those freaks who find themselves thrilled because due to complicated process of CSS hacks some browser is able to display a yellow face. Boring, boring, boring.
In Poland we say “Excitement as on mushrooming“…