

A few mixed things to take a look at:

Have a nice reading


Flock 0.6 localization

We’re getting near to Flock 0.6 release.

It’ll be the first Flock release that will use source-l10n, it should be 95% localizable, and it’ll be hosted on as the contribution builds.

I just posted the 0.6 localization info to flock-l10n maillist. We should be l10n-freezed on 26th, and I’ll spend last week on clearing as much as possible hardcoded strings and updating Wiki.

With source-l10n on a board, localization of the Flock, based on Firefox l10n, should take you no more than 2-3 hours!

If you want to help us localize Flock to your language, join our maillist, add yourself to our Wiki, and help us make Flock easy to use in your country 🙂