1000 bugs in bugs.aviary.pl

AviaryPL passed the 1000 bug!

  • Bug 1 is about AviaryPL lacking official acceptance of our builds from Mozilla. At the time (Feb 2004), we were releasing Firefox 0.8 on our own, and Mozilla was working on their licensing policy. I was leading this bug contacting Tristan Nitot, Bart Decrem and Mitchell Baker. Fixed 🙂
  • Bug 10 was related to proper polish encoding in Bugzilla 2.7.17 pl. Fixed 🙂
  • Bug 50 was related to Thunderbird lacking font list. It was a bug in en-US build.
  • Bug 100 was related to Firefox’s file dialog window issues.
  • Bug 200 was a user reported bug about text in Firefox preferences window being too wide.
  • Bug 500 was Nvu bug about inconsistency in console naming scheme.

Statistics shows who is the most active and devoted member 🙂

AviaryPL grew in this years. Bugzilla was always a key element of our ecosystem. We started with a few people, and two products. Today we have 10 products,  many websites, products that we promote and localize in Poland have around 25% of market. We moved a bit away from mother Mozilla, focusing on open source localization, sometimes not related to Mozilla itself. We’re localizing for Novell Poland, we’re giving talks, we’re awarded for our work, and, what’s very important, we’re still the same people, same volunteers, using almost the same model of work. There were internal changes, there will be more. I hope that we’ll keep the passion and values and energy with new leaders, with new volunteers, and goals.

I hope that the blog post about Bug 10000 in bugs.aviary.pl, whoever will write it, will be as positive as this one. 🙂