
PTI conference in Wisla

I’m on the third day of PTI autumn conference. I spent the first day on train, second on Web 2.0 related talks, and today I’m listening to Tom DeMarco right now. Also, yesterday, Krzysztof Kowalczyk had asked me if I could join a peer-production session that he’s chairman of, and give the talk about the motivations and addictions of open source volunteers. Whoa! Sure I can 🙂

My talk was OK. I presented a few short movies from Flock planning meetings, a bit of photos from Flock HQ, bowling 2.0 movies, barcamp, SHDH, etc. My goal was to prove them that being innovative requires being chaotic. requires a bit of energetic chaos that Flock had at the day first and that made it possible to get near 1.0 now with a great product with it’s unique feature set and goals.

Ironically, the most important questions during Q&A session were the ones from polish business angels from Lewiatan, but beside of this I also made first contacts with author of (polish MySpace), author of (kind’of youtube) and (movies on demand – he promised not to use DRM!!!) and investor of ( like). We’ll see how far it’ll get 😉
Anyway, I’m totally impressed by Helmut V. Gläser’s talk about communication skills and issues leading to bad communication. It was very interesting, and the speaker made amazing job in playing with crowd emotions. And this is something that most speakers lacks a lot!

During the supper yesterday, I was presented to Dr. Nahum D. Gershon from MITRE, who asked for help in defining the way to activate a community around his projects, and we set up a meeting on today afternoon. I hope to be able to help 🙂

That’s all for now, getting back to my S5 presentation. Off