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L20n – what to add before 1.0

As I mentioned in my last blog post, we’re narrowing down the list of features that we’re willing to consider for inclusion into L20n 1.0 prior to its freeze and release.

Here’s the list:

Name Driver Target Milestone
difference between entities/macros from the resource and variables provided by the developer stas 1.0
difference between public and private attributes/entities gandalf 1.0
default values for hashes/arrays gandalf 1.0
globals namespace gandalf 1.0
import command gandalf 1.0
conditional blocks gandalf 1.0
value as ID (gettext mode) stas ?
string as ID (simple gettext mode) stas ?
key as string stas ?
relative referrals gandalf 1.0
dependency list gandalf 1.0
computer readable comments gandalf ?
multi-language resource files gandalf 1.0
Switch expression gandalf ?
attribute indexes stas 1.1
nested indexes gandalf 1.0
Expression errors gandalf 1.0
workflow gandalf 1.0
resource file syntax stas (support from: kaze, fantsai) 1.0
forbid referencing public entities stas ?
Macro attributes gandalf ?

All of those features represent some feedback item we got and we’re trying to evaluate it ASAP in order to finalize the parser/interpreter couple and work on the workflow toolchain for L20n 1.0 next.

If you want to discuss any of the items, join our localization-20 group and start a new thread for each feature.

If you want to add a new feature to be considered, start a wiki article in L20n/Features namespace.