
2005 was a good year for Linux

Late in 2004 I wrote a blog post (sorry, not public anymore) about my predictions for 2005. It was most focused on the WWW world, and the headline was that next two years, between Fx 1.0 and IE 7.0 will be boring. And it seems that I was right. Firefox 1.5 is nothing more than a polished version of 1.0, I really like it, beside of some memleaks I heard about (but didn’t see), Opera went free, which was so predictable that the only surprise for me was how much noise they made around (bravo!), other browser simply evolved, exciting only those freaks who find themselves thrilled because due to complicated process of CSS hacks some browser is able to display a yellow face. Boring, boring, boring.
In Poland we say “Excitement as on mushrooming“…



US website created to promote army – – good design, clear layout, games, wizards, modern look&feel, trying to be XHTML 1.0
Polish website created to promote army – Wojsko Polskie – news, archives, ugly layout, ugly design, adverts, guest book,  damn, even a name-day calendar (sic)! Trying to be HTML 4.0…


WP 2.0

As you might have notice already, I updated my wordpress to WP 2.0.

The upgrade process was a pleasure, as always, those guys really know how to make sth easy. One click and it’s ready. Neat 🙂

I also changed skin. When I choosed Blix, it was totally unknown theme, with some licensing problems, abandoned by it’s author. Now, it seems that 1/3 of the blog world uses it. So, it’s time to create a new trend, right? 🙂 Meet Blue Horizon with a few modifications 🙂

It’s nice, quite clean theme, I like the top image (I used it in XPDE), I like colors, I like the space, I don’t like the sidebar, and I’ll try to make it better.

If you don’t like it, give me url to any other nice WordPress theme, and I’ll add it as a choice.

I’m also going to update/write the pages that are listed above, but that’s not anywhere high on my todo list, so enjoy wp2.0 for now and I’m back to hacking bugzilla.

Thanks for any feedback


Heather Snodgrass uses Flock

Interview at Blog Network Watch with Heather Snodgrass of [decentcontent] & Spoke Media.

Q: Software that you use each day?
A: Photoshop CS2, NVU, Flock, Fetch, Adium, Entourage, iTunes. I’m fairly basic when it comes to my applications.

Enjoy 🙂


Windows Vista ridiculed!

I’m shocked. Today I visited Marcin Gorny’s blog. Beside of other interests, he is a beta tester of Microsoft products.

Now, take a look at those screenshots. Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3, Screenshot 4.

Notice that this is slightly modified Windows XP.
Now, thanks to the magic, in 15 minutes you can do almost the same amount of work as Microsoft did in 5 years! Marcin published the full step-by-step description on how to modify WinXP into Vista look&feel.

Now. Tell me. If we can agree that you can have WindowsXP looks like Vista. What Microsoft, the biggest IT company in the world, did between year 2001 and 2006 when they were/are working on Windows Vista?
Is that the same as they’re doing with IE7? The same old Trident, and a bunch of code that was previously coded for Maxthon?

I’m wondering if it’s possible to legally create customized build of Windows XP so it looks like Vista and sell it in WinXP price.


Brand of 2005

Apple is the brand of 2005 for sure.
I got an ipod black 4gb nano, my girlfriend got white one, and it seems to be quite ordinary situation, Mike has similar one and Technorati confirms the trend.

I’m wondering if there is any more popular gift for Christmas 2005.

Also, thanks to Robert, iPod will sync with my Thunderbird soon!

po polsku

Brawo LEM!

LEM się popisał. Wydał grę. Nie żeby jakoś specjalnie udaną, ot, taką sobie. Gra nazywa się Quake 4 i zbiera recenzje co najwyżej przeciętne. Ciekawostką jest jednak co innego. Cena. I nie chodzi mi o relacje cena/jakość, bo jako zatwardziały kapitalista wierzę głęboko, że każdy ma prawo dyktować cenę taką, jaką mu się podoba, i o ile produkt nie należy do podstawowych dóbr materialnych, nie ratuje życia itp., a służy jedynie rozrywce, lub jest towarem eksluzywnym, to wara komukolwiek od cen producenta*.

Cena gry także niczym się nie wyróżnia. Ot, 109 złotych. 109 złotych? Tak jest, po tyle właśnie można zakupić ją w USA – 34$. Jednak LEM, uznał, że to dumping, i produkt tak elitarny, nie powinien iść po takich pieniądzach. No to hop, podrzucił cenę, i w Polsce można go kupić już za, uwaga, 249 złotych. Nooo, teraz rozumiem.


KDE 4 status update

After not-so-short time of silence about KDE 4 development progress from KDE devs, I decided to write an email to Aaron Seigo and Torsten Rahn asking about the reasons of recent silence and current progress.

Aaron responded that after initial buzz they focused on porting libraries from KDE3 (QT3) to KDE4 (QT4[\.1]?) and until they’re done, there’s nothing to write about since not so many are interested in long stories about which libraries are already ported and which are not.

I also wrote that in my opinion, KDE has the ultimate chance to use the energy of many volunteers since it’s the first time ever when the new GUI is developed almost from the scratch basing on very modern library and with a strong group of users. It means that it’s easier than ever to influence it’s feature set and UI and to share your ideas.
He responded that they don’t feel to be ready to use non-development energy yet, but they want to prepare for this and spend a few months on community brainstorm once they have basic tools and resources to use for those volunteers who are interested in participating. I hope to be able to help there and first I want to select from the melted sea of ideas (a’ka Kollaboration forums) the pure genius ones and describe them well so KDE devs could easly read what’s on the deck and choose what they want.

So, if you have any, really, any idea about GUI, and you want to share this idea and throw it into brainstorm powerfield to shape it into something brillant, go on. Just post it on Kollaboration forum and I’ll try to make sure it won’t be forgotten 🙂

po polsku

Songbird po polsku

Czy ktokolwiek zgłosił się do lokalizacji Songbirda? W komentarzach widze wpis prawdapunka, ale żadnego dalszego potwierdzenia!

Jeśli ktoś to robi, to proszę o kontakt z AviaryPL, jeśli nie, to może ktoś chce się wziąć za to? Zapowiada się kolejny smakowity kąsek na bazie Gecko 😉



Ok, I’m getting near to split this diary into two parts.

The current plan is to host tech diary on with current URL – and move my private blog to The later one will be in Polish and will focus mostly on my private feelings about the politics, philosophy, science, culture, people and my, yet to be published, World Domination 1.0 plan.

It also means that all previous tech notes will still be available on instead of which is a pity, but I really have no idea how to move all previous posts from one wordpress to another where I have no access to database 🙁 (

Anyway, if will not allow me to create private backups of my diary, I might consider just creating second wordpress instance on this server (glups, mrman will kill). But I will still need some solution to move all blogs from one instance to another. And my mind tries to avoid accepting that I must write a script for that 🙁