
Bugzilla UI – help needed

Take a look here or here.

Try to find out what would you change to make this form cleaner. Imagine that you can’t take any field out, you can only reorganize the layout. The form must be in HTML. You can apply some JS but not too much (it must be accessible for people who doesn’t use JS)

I’m working on redesign of this page and I can use some help for sure. I’d love to get feedback from people working around Usability on a daily basis. If you know such person or you’re such person, please help me!


A little advice…

If you don’t see something in CVS log…. it might be a clue that it was not added to the patch.
Assuming that it’s the fault of CVS log, might result in tree bustage.


WordPress 2.0 Beta 1

Just installed WordPress 2.0 Beta1 locally. It’s great!
I’m wondering if I should upgrade diary to use it.


Oxygen site

Oxygen site. Cute 🙂


Gandalf v2.2

22 years and 12 hours ago, for the first time I had a chance to say something to the world.
I don’t remember that scene, but according to people who were there in that moment, I was really disappointed.
From that moment I keep smiling (first, I tried to yawl, but some guy in white suit slapped me for that). I love people, I’m an optimist and pacifist (all my aggression is gone after each MMA training).

I don’t like birthdays. I don’t appreciate the idea of getting older, and if anyone would ask me, I’ll suggest to remove this feature or at least add UI for switching it on and off again.
This reminds my my old concern…. On what license the life is? I can modify it pretty easily, biologists are reading my source code, but it’s impossible to make a copy (no, cloning is not the same) of me…

Anyway, I’m 2.2 now, I’m not stable at all, you can get no warranty, I’m, as always, under major code review, but my API is mostly stable.
Feature change-log since 2.1 includes added cute and beloved girlfriend, passion moved to the job component which should fix a lot of bugs about time looses, upgrades in Kyokushin-kai degree (7th kyu now), plenty books read, web-log, migration from Slack to Gentoo.
I’m also really proud of the work I did for Firefox 1.5. For the first time I was involved not only in marketing, finding bugs and helping people, but also in code development.
For this year I will put all my experience, knowledge and passion into Flock to make it the very best browser in the world. I’m so happy to be inside the process of shaping up this browser. When Mozilla Suite was created, I was a spectator, when Firefox was developed, I was in community, doing job around, now I’m inside of the process, and I feel so lucky because I got this opportunity.
I don’t know what the next year will bring, but as my sensei said, I’ll just try to be a bit better than I was yesterday. Cross your fingers please 🙂


Web 0.2

<chris> this is awesome though
<chris> war of the browserlove sites!
<yosh> haha
<yosh> dude
<yosh> is free
<chris> whoa
<yosh> that’s so tempting
<ian> whoa
<ian> its the Web 0.2 browser!
<lloyd> LOL, of course it does, it has a kitchen sink too
* <yosh> ponders wasting $10
<lloyd> u just have to find it all
* <ian> is registering now


L10n tool, part 2

I created a Wiki page for the tool. I’m looking for people to help me. If you have some experience with XUL/JS, or UI layout, and want to help, please, please, please, mail me, comment here, add yourself to that page. It will be much faster if I can get help from you.

On that page you can find some screenshots and first tarball, but you shouldn’t look in the code 😉



I’m extremely proud to announce that I’m now joining the Flock team as a staff member. I will be working on a L10n community management, Flock’s I18n, and UI work around various tools including Bugzilla, Wiki and Flock browser.

Beside of the other tasks, in this month I will be working on two projects that will be contributed back to Mozilla project.
First one is a Bugzilla UI redesign. We are working with Chris to improve the user experience. It will get AJAX, XHTML 1.0 and a few nice UI features.
Second is a L10n tool. It will be quite complex tool that will allow you to work on source files, or to use CVS/SVN, compare locales, upgrade between versions etc. I’d also like to add support for distributed work.

First days of work are amazing. I’m working on what is my passion with a great people who have vision and the same passion to create something new for the web world. I’ll try my best to help them in this task.


L10n tool

Ok. Time is over. I’m walking around the project to create a XulRunner based tool for localizers for more than a year now. We were planning to create it as a MLP, AviaryPL and I wanted to make it by myself.
Now I finally have time to work on it, today I found my old thing called gTranslator, updated it to XulRunner app and started hacking. I should have a few mockups and some plan today and I’ll be looking for Xul/Js/UI people willing to help. It shouldn’t take much time, and I really prefer to create it than promote using tools like Mozilla Translator or some .po based tools.
If you want to help, comment here, or wait for more info on wiki 😉


Missing the point?

I just read Paul Scrivens’s post about the Flock.

What can I say is that yes, Flock was overbuzzed., yes it made bad to Flock since it’s in early development. The rest of article is absolutely missing the point. For the very first author seems not to understand the way of Open Source. Man, GPL and LGPL and other licenses are not only a toys, they define the way we’re evolving. And taking something, making it better and releasing *is* the absolute native part of this system. So blaming Flock for doing so, seems to be a really big misunderstood. And yes, it means also that you can take Open Office, Gentoo, kernel and others, modify it and release under your brand. Suprised?
And we’re not doing so “by mistake”. It’s the way we *want* to go. And it’s one of our best values. Because in this scenario, the only one who wins is the user.

Author also said that he see no reason for another browser, since Firefox is doing so well. It’s also not the way software is evolving. We don’t stop trying creating new software just because another good app is already on the market. Right?
Firefox is a great generic browser. It has a great chance to replace IE in the future as a market king. But we made open standards, remember? So there’s no reason to have only one browser, and Opera, Flock, K-Meleon, Safari, Camino, Seamonkey and others have their reasons to live.
He also assumed that if browsers are OK for last 15 years, we should not touch it. I hardly can find better example of thinking that could block improvements. “Hey, Thomas, stop it, we have a candle, right?”.
Firefox will take more and more of the market share and it will, in the future, make it less and less flexible. It will have to make smaller changes, not to loose users. Flock will be there by that time to make what Firefox is doing now.
It’s another issue. People keep looking at Flock as it is today, ignoring “Developers preview” note. It will evolve, it will change, it will create it’s own set of features, and what you can see at the point is just a very early preview of the direction Flock chose.
“Flock is solving problems that does not exist” – “Firefox is solving the problem that does not exist. IE works”. We see a problem, and we think that in near future this problem will evolve, and Flock can solve it.

Ok, that’s all for now. Thanks for all comments, warnings and feedback. I’m, as always, very suprised to see how many people are angry because someone is trying to create something.

Alex, c’mon, can’t we just send a letter?