
Deer Park Alpha2 released!

Drag&Drop tab reordering, Fast Back&Forward, new Software update mechanism, improved popup blocking and many other fixes were added in alpha2 馃檪
Now we’re going for beta.

We’re also almost ready with L10N stuff for 1.1 beside two or three small bugs.
Firefox 1.0 is available in 34 languages (including en-US).
For 1.1 we have 32 (+ en-US) Firefox localizations ready to serve and 31 (+ en-US) Thunderbird ones.
And remember that we’re in alpha2 stage!
Thanks to Google Summer Code we will have at least 4 more (those are languages we had big problems to localize, and they has to be localized from scratch), and I just chatted with persian localizer who’s going to start working on his locale. 馃檪

About AviaryPL work – we’ll fix most of bugs before beta cycle. I want to have all this bugs about Sanitize and switching “tabs” from “panele” to “karty” ready before Deer Park beta.

By the way. Something very happy and extremely motivating about my work for Mozilla project happened yesterday. I’m very proud about that, but I’ll better wait for official announcement before blogging 馃槈


Safari and Konqueror on the road to SVG/Canvas wrote about current work around WebCore/KHTML engine. It looks that in near future we will have two strict-web very modern engines supporting things like SVG/Canvas/MathML/XForms and so on. It’ll be KHTML/WebCore and Opera’s Presto.
Nice, nice 馃檪 I’m waiting for the day when I’ll be able to rewrite my diary in SVG 馃槈


Open Minds

There are days when you just walk your street and suddenly your mind creates an idea. Something fresh, new, cool. You know what I’m talking about?
It happens to me quite often. Everytime I’m a bit confused about what to do with this idea. Write it down? Of course I don’t have time to start the project and finally the idea is described somehwere on my harddrive or lost forever.

Last three days I spent with my girlfriend on a countryside and, of course, a lot of ideas came to my mind. One of them is to create something like SourceForge but only for ideas. You can log in, write down your idea and from this moment anyone can use it to create a project. It cannot be patented anymore, it can’t be lost and anyone who has some free time, and wants to code something can search this site and look for interesting ideas.
I believe that such thing would fill a hole between people who want to code something/anything (students, madcaps etc.) and people who has a lot of ideas but no time to code them all…

What do you thing about this? Is there any ready-to-use software or I have to write it from scratch? Any ideas for the name? Of course all OpenMinds, OpenIdeas, Extenlligention, IdeaForge are registered 馃檨

po polsku

DevmoPL coraz bli偶ej

Sp臋dzi艂em dzi艣 troch臋 czasu na aktualizacji, czyszczeniu i t艂umaczeniu DevmoPL.

Zbli偶amy si臋 do wydania Devmo 1.0. Wygl膮d i spos贸b prezentacji danych opracowany przez Dria wydaje mi si臋 bardzo wygodny. W najbli偶szym czasie zostan膮 dodane API Gecko z Doxygena, co jest, moim zdaniem, ostatnim elementem brakuj膮cym do tego, 偶eby Devmo by艂o w pe艂ni funkcjonalne dla programisty chc膮cego zapozna膰 si臋 z Gecko.

DevmoPL na razie bardziej nastawia si臋 na wi臋dz臋 przydatn膮 ka偶demu programi艣cie WWW, skupiamy sie na t艂umaczeniu i przygotowywaniu blok贸w z zakresu technologii i standard贸w takich jak CSS, XML, XHTML, AJAX, DHTML, RDF, XSLT czy DOM. Na razie nie b臋dziemy t艂umaczy膰 API – to mn贸stwo pracy i jeszcze przyjdzie na to czas.
G艂贸wnie skupiamy si臋 na wygodnym interfejsie serwisu, t艂umaczeniach podstawowych dokument贸w o tym jak tworzy膰 strony internetowe, jak tworzy膰 je poprawnie, gdzie mo偶na znale藕膰 informacje o technologiach itp.
W Polsce bardzo brakuje materia艂ow dla programist贸w WWW. Dlatego mam nadziej臋, 偶e z czasem zaczn膮 nas wspiera膰 mocniej spo艂eczno艣ci szczeg贸艂nie zainteresowane takim centrum jak MozillaPL, Opera PL, pl.comp.www, pl.comp.www.javascript itp. Nie kr臋puj si臋 – je艣li masz jak膮艣 mo偶liwo艣膰 reklamy DevmoPL w艣r贸d os贸b, kt贸re mog艂yby nam pom贸c z t艂umaczeniem – zr贸b to prosze! 馃檪

Dzi艣 t艂umaczy艂em dalej Kurs CSS – prace id膮 powoli, przyda艂aby si臋 pomoc, ale do przodu. Kurs jest moim zdaniem bardzo dobry i jestem pewien, 偶e pomo偶e nie jednemu zacz膮膰 przygod臋 z CSS 馃檪

W przysz艂ym tygodniu b臋d臋 si臋 zajmowa艂 porz膮dkowaniem kategorii, uzupe艂nianiem brakuj膮cych luk i dodawaniem odno艣nik贸w do polskich materia艂贸w. Je偶eli chcia艂by艣 pom贸c – najlepiej wybra膰 sobie jaki艣 dokument z angielskiej Devmo i przet艂umaczy膰 go na Polski. Je艣li masz jakie艣 szersze pomys艂y – napisz mi o tym 馃檪

tech v5.1

I finished v5.1 main page.
I quite proud of it. It was a lot of work, but the result is a fully XHTML page, not only because validator says so, but also because it follows XHTML idea of web page.
I’m not trying to say that it’s the first site ever made like this, but main page is also a quite complex issue.

The first version was even more “clear”, but many browser bugs forced me to add some “stabilizators” like <hr /> tags. In result I applied some dirty hacks for IE6/IE5.5 for Windows, and it works 馃檪

About XHTML/CSS. I must say, after working on this site, that CSS lvl 2 is a hell because it lacks columns support and you have to make them via float: property. Float has its issues and on site I had to use a lot of floats. I hope that CSS 3 with column-layout support will solve this.
Secondly. The only two browsers which did not have any problems with this layout was Gecko 1.8 and IE 5 for Mac. Both works quite good with very minor issues that were solved without any dirty-hacks.
I had small issues with Presto (Opera 8 ) including bugs in list-style-images positioning and one major, unfixed bug, with upper menu list. I don’t know if it’s Linux only but everytime I open in Opera it displays this list vertically and when I mouseover the list it switches to horizontal. Odd bug.
Konqueror has also nasty bug with table’s <caption> tag. I have 2 <span> inside one floated to left, one to right and caption has height 0px even when I hardcoded 1.2em.
IE for Windows has too many bugs to mention them, some of them are documented in CSS files. One is still not fixed – upper menu doesn’t overlaps bottom border.

I also put a nice thing for adblockers. Every adbox has class .adbox – easy to manage. 8)


Stats from Poland, Czech Rep. and Lithuania

As I mentioned in previous post we have less than 80% of IE users in Poland (Fx 12%).
Today we have additional results from Lithuania where IE has 89% (Gecko 6.2%, Firefox 5.3%) and Czech Rep. – IE 83,9%.

Also, results from Strefa zso9 site (~140 000 users monthly) – IE6 71.2%, Fx 14.9%, Opera8 3.2%, IE5 3%, Others – 7.7%. This site is technology neutral, targeted on young people.


BitTorrent – next obvious feature for web browsers?

Opera 8.0.2 will have BitTorrent support! – great news! I’m very disappointed that Firefox plan to support BitTorrent in 2.0, not in 1.1 馃檨 I hope that once again extensions will show their value and we’ll get it much earlier.


IE less than 80%!

According to quiris and marcoos, this week, Internet Explorer usage was less than 80 percent of polish market (with Firefox 12%, Gecko 13,79% according to Gemius).

The last time, I saw IE<80% was exactly four years ago. In July 2001 when on we measured 79.21% of market share for IE. Four long years.

Can you imagine, that when for the last time IE in Poland had less than 80%:

  • There was no IE6.0. – IE6.0 was released 3 months later
  • Netscape was in 6.1PR version, and Mozilla in its version 0.9.2
  • There were such standards as CSS lvl 2, XHTML 1.0, DOM lvl2 – those standards were ready even in year 2000! And the web starts implementing them in mid 2005! And in mid 2005 around 80% of market browsers have big problems with support for those standards!!
  • There was no Firefox nor Mozilla Suite for public usage.
  • Alladyn already exists and was for sure the very first JSLib that supported Gecko (W3C DOM and -moz-opacity)!
  • MozillaPL was created 5 months later, and
  • my first bug in b.m.o was filed 5 months later. – I use it as a start tag of my work with Mozilla because I joined MozillaPL and started reading b.m.o. then.
  • “Mozilla” was mentioned for the first time in Polish usenet almost year later (24.Nov.2002)
  • “Firefox” was mentioned (by me) on 09.Feb.2004, “Phoenix” on 14.Mar.2003
  • More than 150 000 bugs in b.m.o was resolved since then
  • And overall, it was 4 busy years of work to move from IE3/Netscape3 world to this day

While looking for data to this article, I was searching many pl.* newsgroups and forums, and found so many of people who are here today. More than a half of people discussing on pl.comp.www the future of Netscape browser on November 2001 are working around MozillaPL today. Thanks to their great work, passion and help over those years, we’re near to the end of monopoly, propertary standards and “the hell of World Wide Web”.

The next big step will be 50%. Is this possible? Hey – just look what we did!


Stop patents!

If you like Firefox, Mozilla, Gentoo, KDE, Gnome, Open Office, Amarok, Clam AV, WordPress… If you like our work… if you want to have a choice…

Stop patents


KDE4, next spoilers

Damn, sorry for that, but I must show those mokups.
Just a few screenshots. And a few more, more… ahh 馃檪