
BitTorrent – next obvious feature for web browsers?

Opera 8.0.2 will have BitTorrent support! – great news! I’m very disappointed that Firefox plan to support BitTorrent in 2.0, not in 1.1 🙁 I hope that once again extensions will show their value and we’ll get it much earlier.

4 replies on “BitTorrent – next obvious feature for web browsers?”

BitTorrent vs. Summer of Code

Gandalf and Robert blogged about Opera getting support for BitTorrent. Not that I have any clue about it, but let me planet that BitTorrent is one of the Summer of Code-projects. Let’s all remember and cheer the guy up,…

Maybe it will be implemented faster in Firefox. SVG wasn’t very expected to be ready with Fx 1.1, but it looks like Mozilla devs changed their mind when SVGT appeared in Opera 8.

> but it looks like Mozilla devs changed their mind when SVGT appeared in Opera 8.

No, FWIK MoFo doesn’t work this way. SVG was in Mozilla for years before (since 2002?), but it was still developed quite slowly. Tim Rowley from IBM focused on it in this year. I doubt that Opera had any influence on this.
I hope that Opera’s move will influence our decisions around Torrent and I’m sure that I’ll try to help in coding this.

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