
Acid2 – almost ready!

I just updated Roc’s patch from bug 317375 and compiled Firefox trunk with it. It fixes the eyes bug and the red block bug.
There are still two bugs with misplaces blocks, both are fixed in REFLOW_BRANCH.

Both patches, Roc’s refactor painting, and Dbaron’s reflow refactor are fixing huge amount of bugs. It’s still hard to say how many bugs will be fixed by Dbaron’s patch, but it should be around 200! (basing on bugs with [reflow-refactor] and {inc} keywords).
I have working Fx build with Roc’s patch and I’ll try to make a lot of stress tests to draft the number of CSS tests that Gecko will start support.

Ah! Promised screenshot 🙂
zrzut ekranu8.

You can download linux build from here.

P.S. Oh, forgot to mention. This build also have parts of Places user interface!


Xul Hackfest!

I’m on the prelection about XUL on a Hackfest at SHDH 0×06. Hoah :>


“Security hole” – ble, ble, ble

4 polish big internet news sites wrote that Isc Sans discovered the first security hole in Firefox 1.5.
The article titles are – “”First exploit for Firefox 1.5”, “Security holes in Firefox? Who cares…”, “Serious security hole in Firefox 1.5″ and so on. Every article has the same source, every describes the story how someone found security hole and Mozilla’s guys that they don’t care, that they things it’s not a security hole and every article mentiones that the fix will probably get into next stable version, summer next year.

To stay fair with truth every article mentiones in bottom”update” section that Mozilla claims that it’s NOT a security hole, that they could not prove it… SO HOW THE F*CK COULD THEY FIX IT?

Those articles are pathetic, I see no objectivism, no will to show both sides of the “conflict”, no will to dig BEFORE writing…

What a bullshit… They call it “journalizm”?

And, funny, not all of those 4 news sites overall had press news about Firefox 1.5 release! But about potential bug, woah, that’s a good subject for a great article, huh?

I’m not pissed off that they wrote it. I’m pissed off about how they balanced what one site wrote with what heads in Mozilla said.
I hate journalism that is built on top of lazyness and sensations.


Day 2

I need a lot of time to sleep after my journey. This morning, almost overslept the van that took me to MoFo office.

At 10:00 am, Mark Pilgrim gave a great talk about his experience with the greasemonkey, python, and his vision for the web.
Then we went for the lunch to Google’s camp. It looks awsome and the food is good 🙂
After the lunch we went back and I choosed Brendan’s talk about Javascript 2.0. Brendan is the man with the vision, the combination that leads to success. And JS 2.0 looks great! Why we didn’t have it when we were working on Alladyn? 🙁
Then Schrep summerized the 1.5 release, we had a general talk about wins and looses, we mentioned a lot of L10n problems and it seems that Mozilla agrees that better solution is required.
Next hour was a L10n talk by Pike, which was great and I’m happy to see this subject covered more and more by the Gecko authors as this is more important than enything else for what I’m working on in Flock.
I spent next hour moving between Luke’s talk about Firefox’s market charts and Bsmedberg’s talk about XulRunner apps and future.
Next hour I was running between tor’s SVG talk and Brendan’s 1.8/1.9 Gecko branch plans and the last hour running between David’s talk about his Reflow branch and general talk about Places.
Yes, I think that too many great talks took place pararelly. 🙁

After that, we had a lunch with some pizza’s (yuck, I’ll never like american’s pizza.) and (fortunately) european beer. 🙂
Now I’m sitting with my laptop, with a Heineken in my hand and watching someBatman movie (yes, social thingy ;)).

In a hour I’ll go with Ben Turner to join Flock’s crew at a dinner at Beppos restaurant.

The talks were awsome. It’s a pitty that such general, great talks that are extremly interesting for many people who contribute to our code and comaines that releases Gecko based products were not here. I hope that next time Mozilla will organize more open Moz Conference.
My first impressions is that things are going to go in a way better form. Almost every little thing I could think that doesn’t work in Mozilla was covered during the talks with the very good notes and solutions. I’m especially happy to see that L10n becames more important than ever and it’s not that it’s a separate subject, but it’s there on every level – we were discussing L10n issues on talks about Gecko timeline, SVG, statistics, marketing, everywhere!

Tomorrow we’ll have a Mozilla Europe’s internal discussion about it’s goals and future, and the Flock’s talk.
I’ll spend Friday and Saturday in Flock, and take the Sunday off to visit some things around with Ania.

Ok, plugging off to get another bottle of beer. Cheers!


Sunny California

Hi all from Palo Alto in California! 🙂

I just’ve joined the crew after 12 hour flight, went to restaurant where we enjoyed some supper and drinks. I had a great chat in a Mozilla Europe’s table owned by Axel, Tristan, Peter, Olivier and Ania and me 🙂
I also had a chance to meet Chris Beard, Benjamin Smedberg and I even saw MScott, but I will never accept he’s so young 😉

We were very tired after the flight so Ania and me we took a early taxi with Tristan and I’m plugging off now to get up tomorrow morning and be at 10:00 am in the Mozilla office for Mark Pilgrim’s talk.

Today we spent some time during the lunch on Mozilla Europe’s and L10n issues and we will spend much more on this thread by tomorrow including long awaited Pike’s talk.

On Thursday will be the big day since I will finally meet my Flock’s crew and chat about some crucial things for my work.

On Friday we plan to keep talking about Mozilla Europe’s future, and during the weekend we’ll do sideseeing to finally get back to Poland on Tuesday.

good night


Firefox 1.5 is there! (or will be in a seconds)

Yes, yes, yes!
Mozilla Firefox 1.5 is ready and waiting for you at* (cute, new design!) and the Polish version is at*.

It’s a huge release. We were working on Firefox 1.0 for years, and after we released it, we received feedback from tens of thousands of users. And that’s what we were working on for last year. This feedback.

So now, in front of your door, there is Firefox 1.5. The best available browser ever released.**


It’s all set and ready!

It’s official now!

As Tristan quotes Chris:

(…) Firefox 1.5, the next major version of the open source browser, will be released on 29 November.

A next very good day for the browsing market is tuesday!

And yes, Firefox 2 is in development now – places anyone? As Chris said

Yes. Bookmarking is ready to be deprecated.

. Flock already has it! And there is much more to change, that we’re doing now, and Firefox will do in a few years timeframe, not sure about Opera, but I think that they HAVE to follow this earlier or later).


Bugzilla UI – help needed

Take a look here or here.

Try to find out what would you change to make this form cleaner. Imagine that you can’t take any field out, you can only reorganize the layout. The form must be in HTML. You can apply some JS but not too much (it must be accessible for people who doesn’t use JS)

I’m working on redesign of this page and I can use some help for sure. I’d love to get feedback from people working around Usability on a daily basis. If you know such person or you’re such person, please help me!


A little advice…

If you don’t see something in CVS log…. it might be a clue that it was not added to the patch.
Assuming that it’s the fault of CVS log, might result in tree bustage.


Gandalf v2.2

22 years and 12 hours ago, for the first time I had a chance to say something to the world.
I don’t remember that scene, but according to people who were there in that moment, I was really disappointed.
From that moment I keep smiling (first, I tried to yawl, but some guy in white suit slapped me for that). I love people, I’m an optimist and pacifist (all my aggression is gone after each MMA training).

I don’t like birthdays. I don’t appreciate the idea of getting older, and if anyone would ask me, I’ll suggest to remove this feature or at least add UI for switching it on and off again.
This reminds my my old concern…. On what license the life is? I can modify it pretty easily, biologists are reading my source code, but it’s impossible to make a copy (no, cloning is not the same) of me…

Anyway, I’m 2.2 now, I’m not stable at all, you can get no warranty, I’m, as always, under major code review, but my API is mostly stable.
Feature change-log since 2.1 includes added cute and beloved girlfriend, passion moved to the job component which should fix a lot of bugs about time looses, upgrades in Kyokushin-kai degree (7th kyu now), plenty books read, web-log, migration from Slack to Gentoo.
I’m also really proud of the work I did for Firefox 1.5. For the first time I was involved not only in marketing, finding bugs and helping people, but also in code development.
For this year I will put all my experience, knowledge and passion into Flock to make it the very best browser in the world. I’m so happy to be inside the process of shaping up this browser. When Mozilla Suite was created, I was a spectator, when Firefox was developed, I was in community, doing job around, now I’m inside of the process, and I feel so lucky because I got this opportunity.
I don’t know what the next year will bring, but as my sensei said, I’ll just try to be a bit better than I was yesterday. Cross your fingers please 🙂