
OpenOffice 2.0 final!

Finally, the next step on the road to make all crictical user applications open. OpenOffice 2.0 final is ready!

We have Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, Jabber, now we must give user a GUI that will be able to compete with Windows. I hope that we’ll get there at the end of the 2006. With XOrg 7.2, KDE 4.0, Kernel 2.16.x and next generation of SuSe or Ubuntu.


We’ll get on speed after 1.5 release?

Attention! Spoiler! Don’t click “more” until you’re sure that you want to read about the plans, which may not get into reality…


Trusted computing?

Find a second and watch this. A really great way to explain the difference between trust, and trusted computing.

po polsku

Firefox 1.5 beta2 po polsku!

Po miesiącach pracy mam przyjemność zaprezentować Wam w imieniu zespołu lokalizacyjnego AviaryPL polskie wydanie Mozilli Firefox 1.5 beta2. Do pobrania z!

Jeszcze dziś zostanie przygotowana architektura pozwalająca zgłaszać błędy w tłumaczeniu – na razie proszę korzystać z

Przypominam, że nie jest to wydanie finalne, i jest przeznaczone tylko dla osób zainteresowanych testowaniem nowej funkcjonalności, testowaniem, oraz autorów rozszerzeń, aby mogli sprawdzić swoje rozszerzenia i zdecydować o ich kompatybilności z Firefoksem 1.5.

Milego testowania 🙂

P.S. Thunderbird 1.5 beta2 pl już niedługo…

po polsku

Infostrada w TokFM

Audycja w TokFM na temat nowoczesnych przeglądarek rozpocznie się wcześniej – prawdopodobnie przed 10:30!

po polsku

TokFM – Infostrada

W niedzielę, o 11:05 w radiu TokFM jest audycja Infostrada… W najbliższą niedzielę, będzie troche o nowoczesnych przeglądarkach 🙂
Zapraszam do słuchania


Gecko Google crew

Today, Ian Hickson joined Gecko Google crew!

He joined Ben Goodger, Brian Ryner, Darin Fisher, Mike Pinkerton and Fritz Schneider (did I miss someone?) who are other Gecko related guys working for Google.

I won’t believe anyone telling me that they’re not doing anything Gecko-related there 😉

On the other hand I just realized that Anne van Kesteren is another guy working for Gecko and Opera at the same time (well, after Hixie’s move to Google, the only one?).


Mozilla is getting Complex

Thanks to Firefox we were able to receive huge amount of testers and prove that Gecko is a mature engine ready for use in mainstream tools like web browser or mail client.
One interesting fact is that Firefox 1.0 release did not influence our overall bugzilla numbers much.
Another, that this release slowed down our release timeframe a bit.
Look at this table:

Release date Gecko version Opera version
06.2002 1.0
08.2002 1.1 [+2]
11.2002 1.2 [+3]
01.2003 7.0
04.2003 1.3 [+5] 7.1 [+3]
06.2003 1.4 [+2]
09.2003 7.2 [+5]
10.2003 1.5 [+4]
01.2004 1.6 [+3]
05.2004 7.5 [+8]
06.2004 1.7 (Fx 1.0) [+5]
04.2005 8.0 [+9]
09.2005 8.5 [+5]
~11.2005 1.8 (Fx 1.5) [+17]
Q4 2006 1.9 [~12]
(?) 2.0

The slowdown is a result of Firefox 1.0 release and that MoFo focused much on Firefox code, leaving Gecko a lower on priority list.
The question is if MoFo will want to release 1.9 with Firefox 2.0 (Q4 2006) or release it sooner and get Gecko 2.0 with Fx 2.0.

update: After reading (kudoz to Bablefish) Pascal’s comment, I added Opera’s numbers. There is additional difference that Opera releases minor versions with new features which keeps media on line.

po polsku

flosswadm – prezentacja

Jeśli ktoś byłby zainteresowany, do DevmoPL dodałem prelekcję z konferencji Wolne Oprogramowanie w Administracji Publicznej.


Ivor – rebirth

After almost a year of break, I’m a bit back to coding Ivor. My Object Oriented framework for PHP 5 that emulates the API of Java and gives the user some background tools for his application (like load-balancing, workers, SOAP communication, plugins etc.)

This is a small teaser on how it will process any GET/POST parameters communication.
This part was introduced on some coding-night with Hawk long time ago when we were working for Well, maybe it’s time to go back there?
I think it’s pretty clean and solves one of the biggest security fackups with PHP request handling. The ability to overwrite $_GET/$_POST arrays.

What do you think?

P.S. updated link