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Slides from eLiberatica 09 talk

Today I had a pleasure to give a talk at eLiberatica 09.

It was one of the most complex and most challenging talks I ever had to give. It was about the Mozilla. It was about who we are, and how we try to describe ourselves. About how we think of ourselves and the challenges we face.

The rationale for doing such talk is to do what we have to – to over-communicate. To manifest ourselves and explain ourselves to people who care about the web. To rephrase some questions that people pose – about the goals, about how to measure a success, about how to make sure we stay meaningful while staying true to our mission.

Explaining Mozilla and explaining the kind of semantic space in which we brainstorm these days is an extremely complex goal. It’s harder than speaking about new experiments and features that we work on. It’s even slightly against what people want to hear about. But I believe it’s vitally important. We have to express ourselves and explain ourselves and I decided to give it a try at eLiberatica.

Bonus points goes for the fact that I wasn’t speaking in my native language, and also the audience listen to such a complex talk in a foreign language.

Despite all of that, I believe it went well. I feel thankful that people bared with me through all those topics, and I hope the deck may be useful for other speakers willing to mix and mesh it 🙂

I definitely recommend a keynote version for the best experience, but pdf dump provided for those who don’t use keynote:


OpenOffice magic

I’m working on a set of slides for tomorrow’s Sec-Info Silesia conference. I’m usually doing a small lottery on what presentation system I want to use.

Will it be S5? OpenOffice Impress? Apple KeyNote?

I like S5 and feel natural with it. But I miss GUI editor, something like Nvu with S5 editing extension (Daniel? :))

I like KeyNote. It’s extremely sleek and professional. Working on slides in KeyNote is a pure pleasure.

But since I’m an open source advocate, I always cross check if I could use Impress and keep the quality, this time I gave a try to OpenOffice 2.4 with opengl transitions.

I must say OpenOffice is getting better. I’m testing 3.0DEV on Mac and I really like it, but even in 2.4, the UI starts to present me what I need, instead of what it can do.

One of the things that are new to OpenOffice 2.4 is a set of OpenGL based transitions. It’s one of those great results of the Google Summer of Code effort.

It looks so nice, I decided to make a small screencast. I gave a try to a few of the transitions available in 2.4, and it’s of course only for the screencast (I doubt you should ever use more than 1 slide transition type in one presentation. Maybe… another for key topic changes).

(All glitches are caused by poor screencapture programs, the quality of transitions is very high when viewed on screen.)

Of course blinking transitions is just a small part of what is new. With those all features in 2.4, and 3.0, OpenOffice is growing to meet the expectations.

It’ll be my first presentation in OpenOffice in two or three years, and I’ll do my best to make sure people won’t remember it because of the transitions, but because of the content 🙂