
WIP 20060129 Sunday

I just woke up (It’s 07:53 am here) after almost 12 hours sleep, I’m sitting in the hotel room, eating Madeleines and drinking orange juice.
The hotel room is nice, I have a bad, shower, refrigerator and internet connection. It suits all my needs 😉
One thing sucks. They’re blocking SMTP somehow. I don’t know why, but it’s blocked, so I can’t send any emails – Andy, Robin, others, I’m sorry! I just can’t answer you 🙁 I’ll do this from the office.
Today, I want to do some shopping, and join the crew in Flock’s HQ around 2 pm.

We’re now in the L10n freeze stage, which means that I have few days before the release, to remove all hardcoded strings, clean L10n files structure, and prepare for Flock 0.6 localization. Yes, call me Mr. Mission Impossible 😉

Ah, and I’m working in AMD64/GCC4 environment (Gentoo on my notebook), so Flock doesn’t compiles by default, I need to manually patch it after every update. And even with the patch on board, I still can’t build clucene – Yosh claims it’s my env fault, but it still makes my life harder. I’m going to ask for help today 🙂
Of course, we’re in early stages of development, so the Freeze is not that cold as it should, some folks are still working on UI changes, and I’m doing my job at the same time. I hope it’ll change for the next release.

So, team, just CC me to all bugs you’re working on for 0.6 release, and I’ll be happy.
I’m also wondering if we should move to Firefox before this release. It would be good for the security reasons… Robin? Anthony?

Now it’s a breakfest time. Yummy!