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I’m back in my flat, I need a lot of sleep, I’m very, very tired. FOSDEM was great, we made a lot of awesome stuff out there, I met a lot of great people, ate a lot of great food, spend around 20 hours on FOSDEM (during 2 days), I gave a talk about Flock browser, lead a session about Localization Projects that last for almost 4 hours, answered zillion questions, asked another zillion questions, and got interviewed about Flock by some television (reporter promised to mail me once it’s public somewhere).

A few notes are: Brussel is better than London, it looks very nice, beside of the fact that it’s dirty. Food is amazing once you know the places, beer is nice, FOSDEM Toilets are slightly better than last year, localizers must get used to the meeting atmosphere so they start talking more, we want/need you to speak, and speak laud!, Paul Kim is a great guy, I think that it’s a big luck for Mozilla to have him in their crew, I also had a chance to drink a beer with Peterv, Brian King and Dwayne Bailey (kudos to him for his work on Pootle!) and I heard some rumours from Gerv and Tristan that it could happen that next meeting will be a pure Mozilla meeting in Europe, outside of the FOSDEM, so we can attend to some FOSDEM talks, that are NOT about Mozilla, and COULD possibly be interesting. 🙂

More about it, plus screenshots from FOSDEM, tomorrow. Good night, FOSDEM wasn’t bad (beside of lack of Pike 🙁 ).