
Elephants Dream come true!

Hoah! Belive it or not, we’re 3 weeks from premiere of the first full screen movie created only with Open Source tools! It was create with Blender3D. It’s so cool to see the new areas where OS solutions are being used succesfully.

The message is clear, hey! If you want to create animations you don’t have to steal the software! Blender is out there for you!
I’m not 3D Artists, but I heard only one complain against Blender – it has more complex UI than 3DS. I tried working with some Blender tutorials and now I have to confirm. 3DS has ordinary, simple for beginners UI, while Blender has one of the best pieces of work I have ever seen. Their UI is innovative and intuitive (once you know it) that I’m wondering why other tools never started using things like top menu, it’s soooooooo cool 🙂 Try it, read tutorials, comment…


Google planet!

So, Piotr Konieczny created a Google Planet service which is for sure a very interesting idea. We use planets, we aggregate data, and Google is the term we’re looking for. So, Google Planet is the answer.

I don’t think it’ll last long till Google will contact Piotr and ask him to shut down the planet or at least rebrand it, cause at the moment it can be easly confused with original Google web service due to design.

Anyway, if you like to know what’s on the grill there, Google planet is for you 🙂


Mozilla, start your Photocopiers

What I really enjoy is that Firefox’s approach to new Places system is getting almost 100% similar to Flock’s Favorites solution. Yesterday, I saw “Collections”. It’s pretty good, that Firefox UI team decided to use the best modern solution that was invented by us.

What I don’t enjoy that much is that I had hard time to find any note that would confirm that Firefox uses Flock as a base for their solution. Flock is very young, we don’t look for big user base now, but what we do look for is a group of volunteers and community that could help us create a great and fresh browser. A signal from Mozilla could point potential interested people that Flock is the good place to start your story with a browser creation, especially that it’s way easier to influence our UI with good ideas than Firefox’s one. The difference is because Firefox must keep its userbase, so it’s less flexible and can’t do crazy things with UI, while we can.

The only confirmation about the thesis, that Firefox UI team is not inventing exactly the same solutions on their own I got during the Firefox Summit, after the talk about Places, I had a short chat with some guy who’s working on Places and he confirmed that they’re basing on Flock. It’s great! We invented a natural next step for managing bookmarks, and what Firefox does only confirms that we’re going in the right direction. More, it seems that IE 7 will have sth similar too! I don’t know about Opera nor Safari, but I expect them to do the same in the near future.

We are open sourced, and we are happy to see people confirming that we’re doing a nice job by implementing our solutions, but I personally would like to see some kind of “thank you” for that. For Firefox folks it means almost nothing, while for us, a small group trying to create something new, such advertisement would help a lot. So Ben, if you have some time to write a bit about how you found Flock and Favorites and why you decided to use it for Firefox, please, do so, I think that’s the way Open Source should go!

By the way, I’m just after the lecture of our internal proposal list for Flock 0.7. And I can ensure you all, that Firefox 3.0 will have the full source of ideas :)) Stay tuned, and if you want to help us, step in to, send us a feedback, subscribe to flock-dev maillist, join our IRC channels and share your ideas, we’re probably the best place in the world now where your crazy idea can be forged into the browser feature 🙂