

I’m at FOSDEM right now spending whole days at MozDevRoom, and whole nights at irish and belgium pubs (actually, it was english one named Churchill…, but we were drinking irish liquids) drinking with folks from, Jabber, Mozilla, with Termie and Zen and some others. 😉
My talk went ok, I was a bit chaotic because I was short on time, but the feedback was positive. People said that it was interesting, pointed out real challenges and needs, it was too short and a bit too general (I had some nice graphs made by Staszyna, Xiti, and myself, but no time to show them). Overall, I hope that nobody found my talk boring – if this has been achieved – point for me.
In a second, Pike will start L20n talk which I’ll name the most important talk for me. (yea, OpenMoko, OLPC, Free Java, KDE4, Mozilla manifesto were also important) 🙂

I have my flight back at 7pm, but I’ll try to rebook it for tomorrow if possible. The problem is that my booking number is on my email, and my email is dead together with whole :/ Murphy’s law in action – dreamhost is dead for the first time in 3 months for me…



Mozilla local community survey

Hi all!

If you’re a member of any local Mozilla community, please take a second to fill in this survey.

Thank you.

po polsku

A tak po najdłuższej wojnie…

przyznam Wam się do czegoś…

Nie używam AdBlocka. Żadnego. W ogóle nie blokuje reklam. Nawet wyskakujących okienek. Z lenistwa. Nie używam i już…

Voltaire powiedział kiedyś “Nie zgadzam się z tym co mówisz, ale oddałbym życie, abyś miał prawo to powiedzieć.”

Zachowując proporcje, pozwole sobie sparafrazować to:

“Nie używam AdBlocka, ale zrobię wszystko, abyś Ty mógł blokować to, co chcesz”


What Web 2.0 is?

Recently, I found a few pretty damn good video presentations on “What Web 2.0 is”. First one, is rather obvious and just presents a view on history and trends. Second one is really great, it presents the key elements of social networking in attractive, visual form. Third one is rather short, but has it’s value in remix of a few talks about what Web 2.0 is.

Enjoy Web 2.0 🙂

po polsku

DRM i reklamy – blokować czy nie?

Paweł Wimmer napisał o DRMach i blokowaniu reklam. Przyjdzie mi się z nim absolutnie nie zgodzić…