
Flock 0.5.11 is out

Wohoo! Flock 0.5.11 is there, it’s not perfect, but it’s great!

And we’re working hard now to bring you the next one even better and for sure, more polished. The problem with applications in this stage is that it’s pretty hard to polish the UI for them because so much work is being done every single day including the release one. It also affects L10n very deeply and that’s the reason why Flock 0.5.11 is not 100% localizable 🙁 It’s not that bad, we’re still far away from Flock 1.0, so there’s time for that, and now, once all components are localizable I can go down and hunt those hidden hardcoded things that left.

We also have source-l10n system, and I was able to create Flock 0.5.11 pl (but I’ll tag it tomorrow), and I’m sure that zh-CN version is around too. Tomorrow, I’ll update our Wiki to new instructions (we need to make able to sync with a tag instead of tip for that) and I’ll post to maillist info about localization. If you want to follow the source-l10n method, you need to be able to build Flock (I hope it won’t be required before 1.0), and get SVN account from either me or Robin. Join us on #flock-dev or #flock on server and ask for your login/pass, or just use an email. We’ll prepare it for you (along with SVN directories) so you can start your work!
For our localizers, I also created a special page where you can report any problematic terms you met during localization process. We’ll try to solve them to make your and our users live easier.

2 replies on “Flock 0.5.11 is out”

A modest release; an update on the camps…

Been sitting on a number of posts that I don’t know I’ll ever get out, but I need to spread these few things.

First, modest Flock update in the wild (0.5.11). Jesse’s got the details on this updated developer preview. Go get it and…

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