
Helsinki, day 1 – Nokialand

Basic thoughts.

If you’re finnish, you work for Nokia. No brainer. If you’re not working for Nokia itself, you work for a company that works for Nokia. If you’re not, than you might want to reconsider your nationality cause probably something is wrong with you.

It’s not like Silicon Valley – there’s a wide range of companies out there, it’s probably more like Redmont. Crazy! And I’m f**cked up since I have Samsung…

Finnish people are so much nicer than swedish ones. Sorry, I love my friends from Sweden, but they’re exceptions! Finnish people are smiling, laughing, they’re very, very friendly, you have to like them from the first moment simply because you see that they like you 🙂

I need to get used to their way of how they talk. They’re calmer, speaking slower, comparing to me, not mentioning that superfast speaking android – Termie.
I love their cuisine. It’s full of sandwiches, pickles, cheese, blue cheese, chicken, meat balls, and pastas. They don’t go the easier way serving bolonese etc., they go with their own kinds like a pasta with a chicken and a lemon sauce, pasta with coconut milk, sweet chili, almonds and meat. It’s awesome!

I’m tired 🙂


Nokia S60 SDK on Linux

Maybe it’ll serve someone, one day…

  1. Download Nokia S60 SDK, 3rd Edition, Maintenance Platform.
  2. Install Wine.
  3. Ensure you’re on Linux.
  4. Download latest ActiveState Perl MSI file. (notice, that you can ignore the step with contact details)
  5. Download Windows Script Host 5.6.
  6. Download mfc42.dll.
  7. Remove .wine – rm -rf ~/.wine
  8. Recreate .wine – wineprefixcreate
  9. Copy mfc42.dll to system32 folder – cp mfc42.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/
  10. Install WSH – wine WindowsXP-Windows2000-Script56-KB917344-x86-enu.exe
  11. Install ActiveState Perl – msiexec /i ActivePerl-
  12. Add perl.exe to the %PATH%. I did it by manually editing ~/.wine/system.reg, key [System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment], PATH to: “PATH”=”c:\\windows\\system32;c:\\windows;c:\\Perl\\bin”
  13. Install the SDK – wine setup.exe, custom, I installed the additional thing it asked me about
  14. Launch the app – wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Symbian/9.1/S60_3rd_MR/Epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/epoc.exe
  15. Watch as it launches, loads the emulated phone, and crashes because of some timeout at random moment…
  16. Think that it’s soo near, and promise yourself to retry in a few months with next Wine releases


Helsinki, day 0 – far and near…

Helsinki. So different and so similar to Warsaw. Need more bee^H^Hdays to make sure…

G’night, all


XBL 2.0 is a W3C recommendation!!!!!!

Woa!!! Hixie is my personal god of the day!
Gimme zool, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire…!


2007 will be exciting, oh yea…

If you thought that with SLED 10, Ubuntu 6.10, 7.1, Firefox 2 or anything else in our open source/free software/geeky world, the year 2006 was “tha best”, just sit down and enjoy 2007 🙂

With it’s Ubuntu 7.04 and 7.10, next Fedora, next Suse, next Mandriva, 7.3 (real time hotplug!), Firefox 3, Flock 1.0, Azureus 3, KDE 4.0, Grub 2, Reiser 4 in mainline kernel, next releases of Ogre 3D, Blender, WordPress, MediaWiki, and things like OpenID gaining momentum, not mentioning progress with Compiz/Beryl/Metisse and everything else that’s too eyecandy to write about it we’re like a fullspeed TGV that is just passing by Microsoft world focused on “Vista” bus stop.

But we’re bigger than that. With last years distros we’ve reached the level of “fairly usable OS” and now we’re exploring new areas, inventing new technologies and exploring new worlds. And 2007 is for me mostly about OLPC, OpenMoko, Optimus keyboard. I played with OLPC during FOSDEM and I’m absolutely amazed. It’s cute, it’s powerful, it’s amazing how they mixed new technologies with open source and with “making the world a better place”. OpenMoko is something I’m dreaming about for a few years and I hope to receive my phase1 phone late this month, while Optimus keyboard is something so obvious I cannot understand why nobody made it for so many years.

One of the most important (not surprising, but long-term important) changes in 2006 was that for the first time we came to the situation when Joe Average was able to buy a laptop/PC, get a free linux distro, install it on his own and start using without having to perform a single command-line task or miss any Windows-only app.

Of course there are tons of cases when it’s not possible. People still need Corel, Adobe, sometimes Microsoft Office – true, but Joe Average (and my Mum) uses Ubuntu 6.10 on his/her Toshiba Portege R200 with Firefox, Open Office, Jabber, SIP and needs nothing more to be a happy user of today’s computer world. And we’re still speeding up…

… so please, think about those poor folks vendor locked-in in Microsoft empire, that will be exploring the “exiting” world of already exploited UAC, DRM, and shiny translucency for the next 5 years. Wave your hand while we’re passing them.



I’m at FOSDEM right now spending whole days at MozDevRoom, and whole nights at irish and belgium pubs (actually, it was english one named Churchill…, but we were drinking irish liquids) drinking with folks from, Jabber, Mozilla, with Termie and Zen and some others. 😉
My talk went ok, I was a bit chaotic because I was short on time, but the feedback was positive. People said that it was interesting, pointed out real challenges and needs, it was too short and a bit too general (I had some nice graphs made by Staszyna, Xiti, and myself, but no time to show them). Overall, I hope that nobody found my talk boring – if this has been achieved – point for me.
In a second, Pike will start L20n talk which I’ll name the most important talk for me. (yea, OpenMoko, OLPC, Free Java, KDE4, Mozilla manifesto were also important) 🙂

I have my flight back at 7pm, but I’ll try to rebook it for tomorrow if possible. The problem is that my booking number is on my email, and my email is dead together with whole :/ Murphy’s law in action – dreamhost is dead for the first time in 3 months for me…



Mozilla local community survey

Hi all!

If you’re a member of any local Mozilla community, please take a second to fill in this survey.

Thank you.

po polsku

A tak po najdłuższej wojnie…

przyznam Wam się do czegoś…

Nie używam AdBlocka. Żadnego. W ogóle nie blokuje reklam. Nawet wyskakujących okienek. Z lenistwa. Nie używam i już…

Voltaire powiedział kiedyś “Nie zgadzam się z tym co mówisz, ale oddałbym życie, abyś miał prawo to powiedzieć.”

Zachowując proporcje, pozwole sobie sparafrazować to:

“Nie używam AdBlocka, ale zrobię wszystko, abyś Ty mógł blokować to, co chcesz”


What Web 2.0 is?

Recently, I found a few pretty damn good video presentations on “What Web 2.0 is”. First one, is rather obvious and just presents a view on history and trends. Second one is really great, it presents the key elements of social networking in attractive, visual form. Third one is rather short, but has it’s value in remix of a few talks about what Web 2.0 is.

Enjoy Web 2.0 🙂

po polsku

DRM i reklamy – blokować czy nie?

Paweł Wimmer napisał o DRMach i blokowaniu reklam. Przyjdzie mi się z nim absolutnie nie zgodzić…