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Hard Blockers Counter 1.0

A little bit more of coding, a few bug reports later, HBC is ready for its prime time. Version 1.0 fixes the nasty toolbar height problem, it gives a user an indication of the interval covered by his plot and is just overall better.

It can be downloaded from an listing, and the source code is available at 馃檪

A few of the lessons learned and thoughts:

  • builder is awesome, but it needs more real life users. A lot of bugs are only reproduced after you write your extension for some time, hundreds of revisions etc.
  • AddonSDK is excellent for this kind of extensions. It has everything you may want and makes the whole code extremely clean and simple to write and maintain. Just look at it – about 50 lines of core code – your cat could read that.
  • AddonSDK needs more real life users. Like with the builder, bugs show up only when you really use the extension you created.
  • AMO is an excellent developer friendly platform – it gives me a lot of satisfcators in a form of stats, and ability to manage my extension release process.
  • AMO-builder bindings need more real life users. I felt like I’m the first to try to push builder based extension to AMO – many trivial bugs that can be only revealed if you try to go through the whole thing.
  • AMO’s review/release process is excellent for the extension of the Old Days. It gives us a pool of high quality, verified extensions, that are easy to find and safe to use. It does not work with agile development. Builder and AddonSDK makes creating ad-hoc extensions super simple and quick (literally, 2 hours and you’re done with the first version, every new version is about 15 minutes of work). When you then push it to AMO it feels like Matrix slow motion then – you suddenly wait days for a preliminary review, not to mention almost two weeks you have to wait for a full review. My last revised version is super old comparing to what I claim to be the “stable” one now 馃檨

This issue requires a little bit of description. I do not try to say here, that what AMO reviewers are doing is wrong – quite the opposite, I believe the whole process is excellent and anything that is exposed to the millions of users should get some time to season and be tested and be reviewed. It’s just that AddonSDK/Builder gives you a totally different setup that fits different needs. I believe AMO will need a workflow for extensions that are created in 10 minutes, distributed in 20 minutes, updated 5 times during 4 hours and are becoming useless after one or two days.

Think of a conference where schedule is updated often and people have hard time to track it. Using AddonSDK/Builder you can create an extension for it in literally 20 minutes (xhr, panel, widget). AMO is excellent for distributing it, updating your users etc., but it requires very different approach than say, AdBlock or Firebug. Then, you add a feature (ability to mark the talk you want to attend and get a notification when its room/time changes) and upload a new version 15 minutes later. You want to switch all your users to the new one now. Then you fix a small bug affecting linux users, and update users once again.

It’s amazing that Firefox is becoming a platform where it is possible, and I can’t wait for such application for AMO 馃檪

  • AddonSDK requires a lot of users with their use cases. Myk’s approach is to iterate often which means to get version 1 ASAP and then add new features for version 2 instead of trying to build an ultimate solution without a release. I love this approach and it serves AddonSDK well, but now we need version 2 of many of the packages there – it can only be done if people start using the packages for a real life extensions and report what they miss. Like – Widget content cannot be easily themed. Or, you cannot control Panel’s scrollbar appearance. Jetpack team cannot plan for those use cases, they have to come from jetpack users. So be brave! Try things, report everything you need! 馃檪
  • There is a group of at least 500 people who deeply care about our release process. They’re ready to increase the amount of items on their screen to have a continuous updates on our progress toward Firefox 4. And it’s been just two days. It can motivate people to help, make them feel the sense of progress, help them understand the challenges better. It sucks outsiders closer to the inner circle. I believe we can do much more and the nightly users, mozilla planet readers and the audience of my extension deserve the chance to get more info which can help them start contributing! 馃檪

main mozilla tech

Bug 448604

W 艣rodku zlotu spo艂eczno艣ci Mozilli w Whistler, BC, Kanada, na jedyn膮 drog臋 艂膮cz膮ca Whistler z Vancouver spad艂a lawina.

Staramy si臋 nie straci膰 pogody ducha. 馃檪

Lekcja na przysz艂o艣膰 – nigdy nie wybieraj na miejsce spotkania miasta, kt贸rego nazwa jest nazw膮 kodow膮 Microsoftu…

Update: Teraz jeszcze jaka艣 ci臋偶ar贸wka przecie艂a linie i nie mamy pr膮du w hotelu… robi si臋 ciekawie 馃檪

main mozilla po polsku tech

Spotkanie, kwiecie艅 2008 w Krakowie, w 13 os贸b debatujemy nad przysz艂o艣ci膮 馃檪

Staramy si臋 okre艣li膰 nasze plany, cele, przygotowa膰 wydanie Firefox 3 w Polsce, zaplanowa膰 rekrutacje, znale藕膰 zn贸w swoje miejsce na 艣wiecie.

Praca w to niesamowita przygoda. Wszyscy uczymy si臋 pracowa膰 razem, budowa膰 zesp贸艂 i ustawicznie konstatujemy, 偶e ilekro膰 mamy mo偶liwo艣膰 zacz膮膰 na tym zarabia膰, odrzucamy j膮. Chcemy, aby pozosta艂o to naszym hobby, pasj膮, przyjemno艣ci膮.

Budujemy unikalny projekt w skali kraju, grupa os贸b w kompletnie r贸偶nym wieku, zebra艂a si臋 5 lat temu i wsp贸lnie buduje najwi臋kszy w Polsce zesp贸艂 lokalizacyjny. Jeste艣my dumni z marki kt贸r膮 zbudowali艣my, z jako艣ci, kt贸r膮 gwarantujemy, z pasji, kt贸ra chyba wida膰 we wszystkim co robimy 馃檪

Projekt o takiej skali, z takim sta偶em umie rozwi膮zywa膰 problemy, kt贸rych nie spodziwali艣my si臋 spotka膰. Kiedy tworzyli艣my zesp贸艂 nigdy nie wpad艂bym na to, 偶e najwi臋kszy problem mo偶e polega膰 na tym, 偶e ludzie wol膮 pracowa膰 przy projektach za darmo, cho膰 ofert zlece艅 nie brakuje. Ze mamy wci膮偶 nowych wolontariuszy, kt贸rzy chc膮 przy艂膮czy膰 si臋 i pomaga膰. Ze si艂a wdzi臋czno艣ci jest tak ogromna, i 偶e mo偶na zdoby膰 sobie renom臋 i sta膰 si臋 wyznacznikiem dla innych projekt贸w.

Jeste艣my szcz臋艣liwi i dumni z tego. To niesamowite uczucie siedzie膰 z tymi wszystkimi lud藕mi, z tym, kt贸ry przyjmowa艂 mnie do MozilliPL w 2000 roku (GmbH). Z tymi, z kt贸rymi zak艂ada艂em, z tymi, kt贸rzy do艂膮czyli do nas przez lata, i z tymi, kt贸rzy do艂膮czyli ca艂kiem niedawno jak Malin i Witia.

Dzi臋kujemy wszystkim w polskiej spo艂eczno艣ci otwartych standard贸w za wsparcie naszych wysi艂k贸w. Dzi臋kuje wszystkim kolegom i kole偶ankom z zespo艂u. Specjanie dla tych wszystkich, kt贸rzy chcieliby pozna膰 tajemnice sukcesu naszego zespo艂u pod redakcj膮 Nikdo opracowali艣my podr臋cznik bazuj膮cy na naszych do艣wiadczeniach, ukazuj膮cy wszystkie tipsy i tricki oraz og贸lne zasady prowadzenia projektu takiego jak nasz.

Panie i Panowie, ma艂y teaser w postaci ok艂adki zbli偶aj膮cego si臋 bestsellera autorstwa naszego zespo艂u. Autobiograficzny poradnik: