People keeps asking me why I didn’t tell them that I was interviewed by Daniel Glazman. Well, I don’t think that I should blog about every interview or word about me, but one strong argument to do this this time is that Daniel doesn’t allow to comment on his blog, and as I said very important things for me there, I’d love to hear what others think, here it is 🙂
Comment as you wish.
3 replies on “Interview, I’m not hiding!”
No offence, but if you’re promoting AviaryPL as a mature localization team, you should have your grammar and spelling corrected. I understand it’s for the blog and so on, but it sends a message to the world, and I’m sure you’d like it to be “clear” (language wise as well) 🙂
Other than that, I’ve always admired your commitment — I’ve been using Mozilla products for some time now and your localizations have always been superior quality.
As for Flock — I have it installed, I love the way it integrates with my blog engine, but (as you mentioned in the interview) the most important uses of the Internet for me are e-mail, web browsing and IM and I am seeking integration of these services in one program. For now I have chosen Opera. For people who use Flickr, do more social networking and so on, Flock is a great tool.
So keep up the good work, I think we’ll all be glad to see the results. 🙂
I’ve just red the interview. It’s great! 🙂 I have been permamently using Firefox, but now I have feeling that not checking out Flock would be a mortal crime. 😀
Good luck on your future carier!
I have the same feelings 🙂 but, I’ll wait for more stable version of Flock.