
Novell’s XGL previews

I love those previews. With things like this we can start talking louder about position of Linux as a desktop solution on the market. Not because it brings the new quality of work, but because it brings high-quality UI and modern effects to us. When Windows XP appeared, Linux was light years behind, when Vista will come, we will be there!

After watching this videos, can you name any of the “so great” visual improvements in Vista that could beat MacOSX and Linux?


Interview, I’m not hiding!

People keeps asking me why I didn’t tell them that I was interviewed by Daniel Glazman. Well, I don’t think that I should blog about every interview or word about me, but one strong argument to do this this time is that Daniel doesn’t allow to comment on his blog, and as I said very important things for me there, I’d love to hear what others think, here it is 🙂

Comment as you wish.


Flock 0.6 delayed

Flock 0.6 should be out around February 15th.

We need those two weeks to do QA of latest patches, prepare the new website etc.