
Deer Park Alpha2 released!

Drag&Drop tab reordering, Fast Back&Forward, new Software update mechanism, improved popup blocking and many other fixes were added in alpha2 🙂
Now we’re going for beta.

We’re also almost ready with L10N stuff for 1.1 beside two or three small bugs.
Firefox 1.0 is available in 34 languages (including en-US).
For 1.1 we have 32 (+ en-US) Firefox localizations ready to serve and 31 (+ en-US) Thunderbird ones.
And remember that we’re in alpha2 stage!
Thanks to Google Summer Code we will have at least 4 more (those are languages we had big problems to localize, and they has to be localized from scratch), and I just chatted with persian localizer who’s going to start working on his locale. 🙂

About AviaryPL work – we’ll fix most of bugs before beta cycle. I want to have all this bugs about Sanitize and switching “tabs” from “panele” to “karty” ready before Deer Park beta.

By the way. Something very happy and extremely motivating about my work for Mozilla project happened yesterday. I’m very proud about that, but I’ll better wait for official announcement before blogging 😉


Safari and Konqueror on the road to SVG/Canvas wrote about current work around WebCore/KHTML engine. It looks that in near future we will have two strict-web very modern engines supporting things like SVG/Canvas/MathML/XForms and so on. It’ll be KHTML/WebCore and Opera’s Presto.
Nice, nice 🙂 I’m waiting for the day when I’ll be able to rewrite my diary in SVG 😉


Stats from Poland, Czech Rep. and Lithuania

As I mentioned in previous post we have less than 80% of IE users in Poland (Fx 12%).
Today we have additional results from Lithuania where IE has 89% (Gecko 6.2%, Firefox 5.3%) and Czech Rep. – IE 83,9%.

Also, results from Strefa zso9 site (~140 000 users monthly) – IE6 71.2%, Fx 14.9%, Opera8 3.2%, IE5 3%, Others – 7.7%. This site is technology neutral, targeted on young people.


BitTorrent – next obvious feature for web browsers?

Opera 8.0.2 will have BitTorrent support! – great news! I’m very disappointed that Firefox plan to support BitTorrent in 2.0, not in 1.1 🙁 I hope that once again extensions will show their value and we’ll get it much earlier.


IE less than 80%!

According to quiris and marcoos, this week, Internet Explorer usage was less than 80 percent of polish market (with Firefox 12%, Gecko 13,79% according to Gemius).

The last time, I saw IE<80% was exactly four years ago. In July 2001 when on we measured 79.21% of market share for IE. Four long years.

Can you imagine, that when for the last time IE in Poland had less than 80%:

  • There was no IE6.0. – IE6.0 was released 3 months later
  • Netscape was in 6.1PR version, and Mozilla in its version 0.9.2
  • There were such standards as CSS lvl 2, XHTML 1.0, DOM lvl2 – those standards were ready even in year 2000! And the web starts implementing them in mid 2005! And in mid 2005 around 80% of market browsers have big problems with support for those standards!!
  • There was no Firefox nor Mozilla Suite for public usage.
  • Alladyn already exists and was for sure the very first JSLib that supported Gecko (W3C DOM and -moz-opacity)!
  • MozillaPL was created 5 months later, and
  • my first bug in b.m.o was filed 5 months later. – I use it as a start tag of my work with Mozilla because I joined MozillaPL and started reading b.m.o. then.
  • “Mozilla” was mentioned for the first time in Polish usenet almost year later (24.Nov.2002)
  • “Firefox” was mentioned (by me) on 09.Feb.2004, “Phoenix” on 14.Mar.2003
  • More than 150 000 bugs in b.m.o was resolved since then
  • And overall, it was 4 busy years of work to move from IE3/Netscape3 world to this day

While looking for data to this article, I was searching many pl.* newsgroups and forums, and found so many of people who are here today. More than a half of people discussing on pl.comp.www the future of Netscape browser on November 2001 are working around MozillaPL today. Thanks to their great work, passion and help over those years, we’re near to the end of monopoly, propertary standards and “the hell of World Wide Web”.

The next big step will be 50%. Is this possible? Hey – just look what we did!


Stop patents!

If you like Firefox, Mozilla, Gentoo, KDE, Gnome, Open Office, Amarok, Clam AV, WordPress… If you like our work… if you want to have a choice…

Stop patents



As everyone knows, we have a bit nervous situation on the line between Opera and Mozilla communities. Our people often see things from different perspective – it’s OK as long as we’re playing the games with a rules. Sometimes one of the sides breaks the rules by either FUDding, trolling, accusing without any prove and so on. Usually, neither side see any problem in their deeds and both Opera and Mozilla people have no problem to explain any foul made by their people.

This situation is very visible mostly in countries where Opera has community and in Poland Opera has probably a biggest community in the world. Well. There is a little one must do to start a new thread in this game.
And someone just broke any rules of the game… Domain points to… Mozilla Europe website. I must say it. It’s disgusting. The one who did it must’ve known that we (Mozilla community in Poland) will be accused of this.

It’s a shame that this happened. Neither MozillaPL or AviaryPL has any connection with this act, and we are willing to help Opera regain their domain. We does not play this way, and we will never be.
And the one who bought this domain and decided to give us a “promotion” – get lost. We don’t want foul marketing anywhere near Mozilla names. It’s just a fuel for our oponents… 🙁

So, to be clear – Mozilla communities has no connection with this deed, we did not make it, we did not accepted it, we did not helped, we did not know about this. We find it just stupid. I hope that Opera can reclaim this domain in NASK.


I have NVU 1.0 :)

Yes, yes, yessssssss 🙂
I have NVU 1.0 bits on my PC. Buahahahaha :>


Opera’s marketing.

Opera’s CEO sells bullshit. Great work, man… You just reached the level of FUD and stupidity which until now was Microsoft’s domain.
I feel ashamed that company which has such great supporters (mostly in Poland) uses such nonesense in their black marketing campaign.
When they were releasing Opera 8, there was so much rumour about “upcoming huge marketing campaign”. Now, a few months later, we saw the trashy superman and a lot of black marketing.
My friends from Opera community tried to explain, that Superman was a part of campaign to show that Opera is cool and they do fun of marketing.
Yeah. Very funny. They focused on creating brand new comparsion sheets and black marketing for Firefox.
Hell, they are not talking at all about IE! They’re talking only about Firefox. Their CEO’s spend days on writing provements that Firefox is not free, not good, not modern, not easy to use, not felxible, and that all users its users are wrong and should switch ASAP to Opera. (optionally paying not to view the ad).

What’s next? You’ll start writing exploits for Firefox to prove that it’s less secure than Opera (And Opera is “100% bug free” mostly because secunia publishes security alerts for opera after they release fix).

Who you gona blame? Mozilla Foundation? You’re going to prove that Firefox is free because companies pay for it? Nonsense. Companies pay us for creating free browser. Free envoirment. If you want to join us, open your code. Move to OpenSource, share your code with us, and I can promise you that you’ll be donated to develop your browser in the same way we are.

Opera – where are you going? To war? You found yourself without any arguments about your browser, so you focused on denying features of another? It’s so stupid. It’s so rude, it’s so pathetic. I really thought that only Microsoft plays this ball…

update: Daniel Glazman is right. Tetzchner shouldn’t swim so much. He caught Absurdus Delirium…


Running out of time.

I’m currently working on many projects at the same time. I like this. If I’m tired working with one, I’m just switching to another and “rest” from the former one.
The real problem is that in this week many of those projects are in the final stage before public release and it makes me nervous, but I think that we’ll be ready when the time comes.

So, what’s going on around?