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MCS WordPress 1.0alpha

One of the major efforts during last 2 weeks was to prepare working application using Mozilla Community Theme.

The first app that got MCS support is… WordPress 2.7.


WordPress 2.7 is a modern, flexible CMS system, that is best known as an excellent blogging platform. Because of its clean design, easy maintainance and many plugins its also used by many websites as a classic CMS. For example polish community – – is using聽 WordPress and it proved to be very stable and solid platform for small websites.

Because one of the primary goals of MCS is to help our small communities get a shiny website with minimum effort WordPress was an obvious choice for the first app to be implemented.

Today, I believe we have a quite stable and usable theme for WordPress together with one custom plugin and support for another.

That’s how it looks in its full glory:


I call it Alpha, because there’s some work to do. JS code requires optimization, Theme should provide admin configuration panel, and it needs some experimental implementations with bug squashing before we can call it stable.

You can install it togther with OpenID to gain full OpenID support. It uses vanilla WordPress 2.7, so feel free to give it a try, and if you’re familiar with WordPress theming/plugins take a look at the sources and… you know… we’re accepting patches 馃檪

p.s. we currently do not provide bundles, so to download the elements you either have to use mercurial (hg export or go to and click on “bz2” or “zip” to download the package. Then follow instructions in ./wordpress/INSTALL.

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MCS Theme 1.0beta2

10 days after first beta of MCS Theme – core element of the Mozilla Community Sites project, the next iteration is coming!

MCT 1.0beta2
MCT 1.0beta2

MCS Theme 1.0beta2 brings many improvements:

  • Tomer Cohen contributed initial support for right-to-left locales! (thank you!) 馃檪
  • several lists are now <ul> (footer link list, article list etc.)
  • fixed nasty bug with right sidebar positioned below content due to Gecko bug by adding a wrapper div with display: table-row in #middle. (dbaron pointed out the solution)
  • fixed another nasty bug that caused middle row to shrink if #content was (almost) empty. (.aside is now display: table-cell by default)
  • fixed IE7 CSS hack. Now the theme will look good in IE7 when left-menu/right-menu is hidden
  • jQuery JS code split into modules
  • JS login box supports states (login, logout, register etc.)
  • cleaned up the use of .headline vs. .title classes
MCT in Right To Left mode
MCT in Right To Left mode

You can download sources from directory theme/html and theme/php.

You can also preview Beta2: HTML mockup, HTML rich mockup, PHP mockup, Builder.

This release brings us near to stable version with many elements being in place and working well.

Right now, my main focus is on webtools using the theme, so if you want to play with it a bit, and you’ll find any bug, please let me know!

main mozilla tech

Mozilla Community Theme v1.0beta

Happy Holidays!

I will use this moment to introduce you the first release of my latest project. Over two months ago I presented the revision version of Mozilla Community Theme.

MCT is an element of a wider project – Mozilla Community Sites (MCS) that will help start a new community and maintain a website without much effort.

The Theme and its implementation are major part of the project and for last two months I have been working on creating a powerful, generic implementation of the theme, several small tools for making the theme easier to use and many tiny updates that should result in the higher quality of the theme.

On Monday we finalized the draft of the licensing guidelines which was the final step to release the theme to public.

Today, I’m proud to present you all the first revision of Mozilla Community Theme (click to test a mockup live):


From today I’m starting a serie of blog posts about various aspects of Mozilla Community Theme, but for those of you who want to dig on your own you can just start reading documentation.


mctlogoThe very first element of the new theme is a Mozilla Community logo. The logo is a new element that we hope will become a unifying element of all community building efforts. We spent a lot of time thinking about how to license it and I believe the result is a very relaxed policy that allows you to do whatever you want with the logo, while leaving us ability to block malicious use.

The logo may be used by any community that wants to express its relationship with Mozilla project. We do not try to create a new brand out of it, we try to give you ability to show what you stand for. In result the logo can even be modified (!) to adjust it to your website, but please, try not to overuse this power. The logo means something and I believe its extremely cute, but can be easily devaluated by misuse.


Mozilla Community Theme is an open source theme (the sources will be provided soon) that provides polished and high quality solution for anyone willing to start a new community website but lacking designer skills.

We provide highly customizable theme that can be used in different color palettes, with different backgrounds, layouts and widgets. The theme was created basing on dozen of current community websites with an intention to match all major components of those websites. It is possible to take the theme as it stands and use it for your website without changing a single line, but if you want you can modify everything. Its up to you and the further you go from the original design, the more you’re on your own in terms of quality 馃槈

Example implementation

The theme itself is a huge step forward, but the real benefit only starts there. As a part of MCT we provide ready to use implementations of the Theme in several forms.

The very first form is a clean XHTML/CSS/JS mockup which presents the semantic structure of the website and its style documents.

Another is a PHP version, which may look similar but provides an example of how to use several tools and deploy the theme into PHP application.

The third is a small cutomization tool – PHP Builder, which is a proof of concept of what you can modify in the theme with simple CSS file (generated out of GUI). You can customize the theme, download custom.css file and replace it in HTML version to get your custom theme!


At the moment Builder is pretty rough, but it already allows to create tens of versions of the theme. Ability to generate custom color palette (select custom and type any HEX RGB color) makes the amount of possible result infinite. In the future Builder should be able to provide more features and layout options.

App implementations

In a few days I will release first Theme implementations – wordpress and mediawiki, and drupal should follow shortly. The app implementations will not only contain the theme itself but also set of extensions that will provide unified set of features across multiple applications (think: OpenID, Single Sign On). We will also work on adding unique Mozilla related extensions that will allow your website to present the data directly from websites like QMO, SUMO or MDC.

MCS Admin Panel

The last step will be to provide single admin panel for installing/updating Mozilla Community Theme powered applications to run a complete website. The panel should allow someone with no prior experience in running a website to painlessly install and maintain his website, learning with no rush how the whole thing works.

Now it is YOUR time!

Working on such project inside Mozilla has, among others, one more benefit. I’m surrounded by web experts. Every single person who is reading this blog post has some unique knowledge and experience with coding HTML/CSS/JS or usability or accessibility or cross-culture design. Everyone can take a look at the sources provided with the whole implementation and find all the bugs I made and all those stupid mistakes. You can help make this project better.

My dream is to have this theme be a pure example of excellence in HTML/CSS/JS website development. Clean, modern code, flexible beyond recognition. During those two months I probably missed many opportunities to get nearer to my goal. Many elements may be not polished or may require some patience and love. If you think you found something like this, you probably did. So please, take a moment to share the feedback.
If you find the project interesting, and have some experience with web development, themes/extensions for WordPress/Drupal/phpBB/punBB/MediaWiki and want to help, email me (zbraniecki _a_t_ mozilla dot com) please. I could use some help 馃檪


I would like to thank people who have helped me with this project. Especially Seth for an incredible patience and support in removing road-blockers, and The Royal Order of Design for a great design they prepared 馃檪

Also, Szymon Pi艂kowski contributed first round of reviews, Wojciech Szcz臋sny provided initial insight into IE6 compatibility (not ready yet) and Szymon B艂aszczyk contributed first usability review.


After getting the first round of feedback, I will remove “beta” from the release status, tag it and call it official. You can take it today and start using right away, but there may be some changes in the CSS basing on the volume of bugs discovered by peers.

During next days (after some christmas rest with my family)聽 I will be working on finalizing wordpress implementation (you can take a look at the current status) and mediawiki. I will also shed some light on the PHP code I wrote for this project and present you CSSLib and Style class.

Finally, I hope to spend some time discussing with you your feedback and implementing fixes to the code and helping first brave souls implement it for their new community websites!

So… how do you like it? 馃檪

p.s. if you have ideas you would like to see, or you would like to work on, contact me or list them on the MCS:Brainstorm page.

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PHP pixel mapper story

While working on Mozilla Community Sites project, I encountered an interesting challenge.


This Poll Box may look nice, but there’s a hidden trap for anyone trying to use this on his website. How to make the cute bars look nice and present real value in it? The intuitive response is to create a small PHP script that will be drawing the bar depending on the input value.

It would be easy to do if only the bar itself is a simple green/red dual color rectangle but in this case, it’s something more sophisticated. Because the bar can be used on different backgrounds, I had to extract it from the source and create a translucent PNG file with representation of blends, shadows and smooth edges. The file looks like this:


Great. Now we have the bar, and we can present it on any customized background, but it’s somehow static and cannot be used to present real values, right?
So the next step is to take it into PHP world and here were the trap is hidden. How to take a complex PNG image into PHP file? Unfortunately Google failed to help me here, so I started playing around with GD library (after an hour of searching for how to take alpha value from pixel in Gimp – it’s impossible) and crafted a plan.
I could create two dimension array of pixels (rgba) representing left edge, right edge, green line and red line and bundle it into a bar like this.
Alternative approach would be to cut PNG file and load elements into PHP script on each load, but it will have to cost much more (load file, decode, operations, encode, write) so I sticked to the pixel array map idea.
I was also initially considering trying to create such bar algorithmically (take green, red rectangles, then do the math for shadows, rounded corners, opacity etc.) but even ignoring how much time it would take to write it, the performance of such script would be definitely not satisfying.

So I needed two scripts. First, to take PNG file and build a PHP Array map of pixels. Second, to take such array and paint it on PNG file.

The script with those two functions is my svn repo.

At the top of the script file is an example Array map that will paint the example bar. drawpixelmap() is a function that can take such map as an argument and create PNG image from it.

getpixelmap() is a function that takes PNG image and creates string with PHP Array map.

In result you can take PNG image, save it in PHP, operate on it and draw the final result.

In case of my quest I had to cut the Array map into pieces (left edge, right edge etc.) and do a little bit of math.

The result looks like this:

Of course, any other value from 0-100 range for $v is possible.

So, if you will ever need to dynamically modify PNG file by pixels, those scripts may be useful for you 馃檪

btw. I’m writing it from Victoria, where it is snowing for the third day in a row. Not sure how to explain it, but the snow in Canada is different from the one in Europe. Is it possible that its a kind of eggnog influence? 馃檪

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Mozilla Manifesto [pl]

Pewien czas temu pope艂ni艂em t艂umaczenie Manifestu Mozilli. pomog艂o mi poprawi膰 jako艣膰 t艂umaczenia, poczekali艣my troch臋, a偶 nadszed艂 czas na wydanie.

Zapraszam: polska wersja Manifestu Mozilli.

Oczywi艣cie ca艂y czas mam 艣wiadomo艣膰, 偶e dokument nie brzmi jeszcze idealnie – t艂umaczenie tak krytycznie wa偶nego i delikatnego dokumentu o tak fundamentalnym znaczeniu nie jest 艂atwe (zw艂aszcza, 偶e j臋zyk orygina艂u te偶 najl偶ejszy nie jest), zatem je艣li kto艣 ma uwagi, to zapraszam do wersji na, gdzie mo偶na popracowa膰 nad j臋zykiem. 馃檪

Czym jest Manifest Mozilli? To dokument, kt贸ry powstaje od 10 lat… to odpowied藕 na pytanie, kt贸re wszyscy stawiamy sobie. Czym jest Mozilla? Nie jako jednostka prawna – Mozilla Foundation czy Mozilla Corporation. Czym jest Mozilla jako projekt, jako byt, spo艂eczno艣膰, idea. Gdzie jest granica? Kto jest “w” Mozilli? Z ca艂膮 pewno艣ci膮 Mozilla istnia艂a na d艂ugo przed za艂o偶eniem osobowo艣ci prawnej i nikt z nas nie ma w膮tpliwo艣ci, 偶e projekt istnia艂by niezale偶nie od sukcesu Mozilli Corporation/Messaging/Mobile czy Foundation.

Dwa lata temu kilka os贸b, za艂o偶ycieli projektu jak Chris Hoffman czy Mitchell Baker zaczeli g艂o艣no zadawa膰 pytanie – kim jeste艣my, dok膮d idziemy, co to znaczy Mozilla, co nas 艂膮czy?

Co 艂膮czy ludzi pracuj膮cych nad Firefoksem, Seamonkey, Camino, Thunderbirdem, tysi膮cami rozszerze艅, lud藕mi pracuj膮cymi nad dost臋pno艣ci膮 dla niepe艂nosprawnych (jak Aaron Leventhal), Bugzill膮 (jak Frederic Buclin), lokalizator贸w, ludzi z Fundacji jak Mitchell czy Gerv i tysi臋cy innych os贸b pracuj膮cych nad swoimi projektami – czasem komercyjnie, czasem nie.

Wnioski zosta艂y spisane w formie manifestu. Deklaracji, kt贸ra opisuje co nas 艂膮czy. W co wszyscy razem wierzymy i co chcemy robi膰. Ka偶dy z nas jest inny, pracujemy nad r贸偶nymi rzeczami, jeste艣my w r贸偶nych momentach 偶ycia i Mozilla jest dla jednych z nas ogromn膮 cz臋艣ci膮 偶ycia, dla innych wspania艂ym hobby a jeszcze dla innych malutk膮 form膮 podzi臋kowania. Wszyscy jednak dzielimy te podstawowe przekonania i wszyscy wierzymy w te podstawowe warto艣ci.

Ka偶dy mo偶e “podpisa膰 si臋” pod tym manifestem. Firma, osoba prywatna, ka偶dy mo偶e skorzysta膰 z tekstu manifestu aby pokaza膰 swoje przekonania i zadeklarowa膰 pewn膮 wizj臋 Internetu, je艣li zgadza si臋 z nami. Manifest jednoczy nas wszystkich i wyra偶a w zwi臋z艂ej formie 艣wiatopogl膮d i idee kt贸re wyznaj膮 uczestnicy projektu.

Mi艂ej lektury i zapraszam do komentowania 馃檪

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MozCamp in Victoria tomorrow

Tomorrow I’m attending MozCamp Victoria.

I’m excited to see so many of my old colleagues from Flock there as well as people from Mozilla Messaging, Mozilla Foundation and ActiveState most of whom I didn’t have chance to meet yet.

We were hoping (with Mark and Zak) to craft a little MozCamp+ Net Literacy Workshop around, but it didn’t work out yet. I hope we’ll find time to talk about it more.

In short, the idea of Net Literacy Workshop is to gather a bunch of people from schools, universities or straight from streets and show them how they can protect their privacy, how they can avoid viruses/trojans/phishing and how they can efficiently use the Internet to improve their productivity. How to wisely use social networks, cloud computing, wikis. Show people how easy it is to set up an own blog or custom wiki. Explain the tools they have to stimulate their creativity and guide them through the basic tools that are respecting their privacy, are free and open, and can make their Internet experience richer.

It’s one of the ideas that is on my mind recently. How can we use the market share of Firefox to deliver the promise of Mozilla. Choice and Innovation. How to use it as a tool for broader goals. If we have, say 30-40% of the market share in one country, how can we really use it? Where can we go from there?

I believe that the idea of Net Literacy Workshops, or various kinds of so-called MozCamp+ events is exactly the kind of think we can start investigating in countries like Poland, Hungary, Romania, Finland or Slovenia. Delivering Mozilla Manifesto values using organic communities. You’ll find more on that at Mark Surman’s blog.

main mozilla po polsku tech

Du偶o si臋 dzieje

Zbli偶aj膮ce si臋 wydanie Firefoksa 3.1 jest najciekawszym w mojej historii… Troszeczk臋 przypomina wydanie Fx 1.5. Stoimy na stabilnej, szybkiej nowoczesnej platformie jak膮 jest Gecko 1.9 i mo偶emy si臋 skupi膰 na tych drobnych detalach i mi艂ych dodatkach, kt贸re sprawiaj膮, 偶e korzystanie z sieci jest przyjemne.

Zatem w por贸wnaniu z ogromem zmian jakie wprowadzi艂 Fx 3.0, wersja 3.1 b臋dzie zmian膮 znacznie bardziej ewolucyjn膮 i spokojn膮, co nie znaczy, 偶e niepotrzebn膮 馃檪

Prawid艂owa obs艂uga profili kolor贸w ICC, media queries, d艂ugo oczekiwany text-shadow,聽 niezwykle wa偶na dla przysz艂o艣ci otwartego Internetu obs艂uga znacznik贸w <audio/> i <video/>, querySelector,聽 ustandaryzowany Drag&Drop, API do geolokacji, przeci膮ganie kart pomi臋dzy oknami, autotagowanie zak艂adek, znacz膮ce przyspieszenie aplikacji webowych i samego Firefoksa dzi臋ki Tracemonkey… a to tylko czubek g贸ry lodowej, zapraszam do poczytania Fx3.1 dla programist贸w, i Fx 3.1 draft plan.

Cz臋艣膰 to usprawienienia widoczne go艂ym okiem, inne dadz膮 nowe mo偶liwo艣ci autorom stron i autorom rozszerze艅, wszystkie s膮 “spokojne”. Nie wiem jak to inaczej opisa膰, ale nie ma tu wielkich, ryzykownych zmian (mo偶e poza API do pobierania zdalnych czcionek), du偶ych przeobra偶e艅 interfejsu czy ogromnych przetasowa艅 w g艂贸wnych elementach silnika.

Dwa ciekawe elementy, kt贸re spokojnie ewoluuj膮 w Fx3.1 to obs艂uga standard贸w i dodatkowe interfejsy do zarz膮dzania sesjami i prywatno艣ci膮 sesji. I to z tym zwi膮zane s膮 dwa poni偶sze screeny:

Session restore updated
Session restore updated
Acid 3 w fx3.1 nightly
Acid 3 w fx3.1 nightly

Pierwszy pokazuje nowe mo偶liwo艣ci podczas przywracania sesji, drugi to aktualizacja stanu ACID3 w Firefoksie. Te 93% to to co ju偶 wyl膮dowa艂o w g艂贸wnym repozytorium, bo istniej膮 te偶 patche poprawiaj膮ce wszystkie pozosta艂e b艂臋dy, ale nie zosta艂y jeszcze w艂膮czone do g艂贸wnej ga艂臋zi. Z tego co pisa艂 Dbaron, prawdopodobnie na wydanie Fx3.1 uda si臋 podnie艣膰 to do 98%.

Czemu nie 100%? Nie ma powodu do po艣piechu. Acid3, jak ju偶 wielokrotnie pisa艂o wiele os贸b, jest testem do艣膰 “abstrakcyjnym” w tym sensie, 偶e nie testuje najpopularniejszych element贸w standard贸w, tylko w艂a艣nie te, kt贸re nie dzia艂aj膮 np. w Fx. Spe艂nienie wymaga艅 testu ma sens tylko w贸wczas gdy jest elementem prac nad og贸lnym poprawieniem obs艂ugi standard贸w, a nie gdy jest sztucznym pompowaniem zmian, aby tylko zapewni膰 sobie “setk臋” w jakim艣 testowym buildzie, kt贸ry nigdy nie zostanie wydany i wywala si臋 na wszystkim poza testem Acid 3.

To oczywi艣cie nie wszystko, uwa偶ni obsewatorzy planety Mozilli z pewno艣ci膮 zauwa偶yli prac臋 ekipy od Ux nad poprawkami u偶yteczno艣ci, nie wspominaj膮c ju偶 o setkach poprawionych b艂臋d贸w.

W tym samym czasie grupa z labs pracuje nad nowymi wersjami Ubiquity, Weave czy Prism, Mozilla Messaging eksperymentuje z UI i pracuje nad wydaniem Thunderbirda 3, a zesp贸艂 z Mozilla Mobile szykuje si臋 na wydanie Fenneca 1.0.

Ach, zapomnia艂bym, 偶e tak偶e teraz, inna grupa, pod wodz膮 Brendana Eicha, pracuje nad Mozill膮 2 – now膮 wersj膮 platformy, kt贸ra wprowadzi naprawde ogromne zmiany w funkcjonowanie Gecko, a w艣r贸d zakresu prac Gecko 2.0 pojawiaj膮 si臋 takie rzeczy jak wsparcie dla animacji 3D – SVG, Canvas 3D, nowy standard lokalizacji – L20n, instalacja rozszerze艅 bez restartu, Compositor – nowy system prezentacji uk艂adu strony i wiele innych…

Je艣li jednak tego jest Ci ma艂o, masz poczucie niedosytu, albo uznajesz, 偶e Mozilla to co艣 wi臋cej ni偶 grupa programist贸w i ich kod, to… masz absolutn膮 racj臋 Mozilla Foundation oraz Mozilla Europe pracuj膮 nad projektem o nazwie “2010 Goals“, kt贸ry ma za zadanie zdefiniowa膰 rol臋 Mozilli jako aktywatora i uczestnika dyskusji na temat rozwoju Internetu w takich dziedzinach jak edukacja, dost臋p w najgorzej zinformatyzowanych regionach 艣wiata, czy otwieranie rynku mobilnego tak jak zrobili艣my to z WWW dzi臋ki Firefoksowi.

Je艣li masz ochot臋 co艣 porobi膰, rozwija膰 si臋 pomagaj膮c w realizacji naszej misji, to otwieramy w艂a艣nie dla Ciebie nowy portal –, kt贸ry ma na celu pom贸c Ci odnale藕膰 si臋 na pocz膮tku swojej przygody z Mozill膮. Du偶o si臋 dzieje i jest mn贸stwo miejsca dla Ciebie 馃檪

main mozilla po polsku tech

Seth w Czaterii w 艣rod臋

W 艣rod臋, o godzinie 16 go艣ciem Czaterii ( b臋dzie nie kto inny jak Seth Bindernagel, mened偶er zespo艂u l10n-drivers w Mozilli. Seth zajmuje si臋 zarz膮dzaniem ca艂ym procesem internacjonalizacji i lokalizacji na (ju偶) 63 j臋zyki produkt贸w Mozilli (w tym Fennec, Thunderbird, Firefox).

Seth jest dusz膮 towarzystwa, facetem, kt贸ry cho膰 nie ma 偶adnego do艣wiadczenia technicznego zaje偶dza innych, 偶eby pomogli mu zrozumie膰 Mercuriala (ostatnio sam stworzy艂 pierwszego patcha!), ogarnia ca艂y zesp贸艂, stworzy艂 pierwszy zestaw cel贸w kwartalnych w historii prac nad L10n i stara si臋 otworzy膰 Mozill臋 na wsp贸艂prac臋 z innymi projektami lokalizacyjnymi. Mo偶na z nim sp臋dzi膰 15 minut i rozwi膮za膰 najwa偶niejsze problemy, albo siedzie膰 do 5 nad ranem w siedzibie w Pary偶u przygotowuj膮c 6 nowych lokalizacji, kt贸re zosta艂y dodane w Firefoksie 3.0.4.

Poza tym jest doskona艂ym kompanem do kufla piwa i pierwsz膮 osob膮 w historii mojej pracy w Mozilli, kt贸ra wyci膮gne艂a spor膮 ekip臋 do klubu 馃檪

A, no, i… no i zupe艂nie przypadkiem jest mened偶erem moim i staszka oraz opiekuje si臋 adrianem podczas jego sta偶u w Mozilli Corporation. 馃檪

Jego najwi臋kszym marzeniem jest do艂膮czy膰 do Polish Mafia i w艂a艣nie odwiedza warszaw臋 z okazji Internet CEE.

Punkt 16:00, 艣roda, czateria. Do zobaczenia 馃檪

main mozilla tech

Slides from Silme talk

Just got back home after

Expedia screenshot
Expedia screenshot

wondering if that gives me the “longest trip home” award from EuMozCamp crew. William, beer will do this. 馃檪

The event was great, I’ve been at so many mozilla events during last 8 years yet beyond “normal” awesomeness of those events, once againt some elements of what happened were a big surprise (Mix group – you know who you are) 馃檪

For now I’m attaching Silme talk slides, for those who couldn’t make it to the talk. (it’s also the very best documentation we have so far):

It requires tengwar-gandalf font to display some elements, but is pretty readable without it.

If you have any other questions regarding silme, jump in on #l10n channel, silme folks are there.

Right now I’m working on logging system and then PEP08, API freeze, documentation and then release! 馃檪

main mozilla po polsku tech

Fennec 1.0a1 pl beta

Bardzo wczesna wersja testowa – Fennec 1.0a1 pl 馃檪

Nie jest to pe艂na lokalizacja (toolkit angielski), ani nie jest finalna (tak, jest tam “gwiazdkowa膰” ;)).

Ale zapraszam do test贸w 馃檪 殴r贸d艂a wrzuci艂em do