
OS X Tiger demo

Mac OS X demo. Sweet 馃檪


Project Watcher

Projects I’m interested in:


Graphic, game engines




This is a list of projects that I’m currently watching, I’m trying to find news about them, digging their Wiki’s, Bugzilla’s, SVN’s. I’m testing nightlies, I’m trying to support some of them and I’m definitly waiting for every new version.What is the best with this list, is that you can get ALL of this for FREE. Without a single penny. I’m sure that the list is not full, and I’ll try to update it and possible move it from diary post into a page on my diary so everyone could use it to find interesting projects.

I’d like to see other people creating such list on their own so I can find other interesting projects. If you have a second, and some projects that you’re watching, create such a list and ping me back!


Jogger story

Ci, kt贸rzy mnie znaj膮, wiedz膮, 偶e jedn膮 z rzeczy, kt贸rych w internecie nie cierpie jest Jogger. Mam ku temu swoje powody, zainteresowanym przed艂o偶y艂em je nie raz przy niejednym piwie…

Zbli偶amy si臋 w艂a艣nie do wydania Joggera 2.0, kt贸ry zdaje si臋 by膰 absolutnie nietrafion膮 odpowiedzi膮, czemu dziwi膰 si臋 nie mo偶na skoro jego rozw贸j mia艂 z modelem open source ma艂o wsp贸lnego, a na dodatek osoba, kt贸ra “sprawuje opiek臋” nad Joggerem (jak niegdy艣 Beeth na IrcNetem), uraczy艂a Nas takimi oto kwiatkami. (update: Koledzy z Opery te偶 zostali uraczeni floodem) Czy to, 偶e taki co艣 zdarza si臋 nie po raz pierwszy wystarczy, 偶eby uzna膰 Joggera za 藕r贸d艂o 艣miecenia i blokowa膰 go?

Nie wiem czy to wina Planety czy Joggera, raczej stawiam na Joggera, bo planty s膮 u偶ywane od lat w wielu miejscach na 艣wiecie, a takie co艣 widuj臋 (nie po raz pierwszy) wy艂膮cznie tam gdzie planeta agreguje joggerowc贸w…Feed wydaje si臋 by膰 w porz膮dku wi臋c moje podejrzenia kieruj膮 si臋 w stron臋 wniosku, 偶e feed by艂 nieprawid艂owy w momencie agregacji.

W ka偶dym razie mam od dawna poczucie, 偶e projekt Jogger ma niewiele wsp贸lnego z tym co nazywamy spo艂ecznym internetem, jego funkcjonalno艣膰 jest na tyle odleg艂a od funkcjonalno艣ci innych system贸w blogowania i na tyle ubo偶sza, 偶e za ka偶dym razem jak korzystam z bloga postawionego na joggerze, to kln臋 jego tw贸rc臋, bo gdyby joggera by艂 nie stworzy艂, to autor mo偶e u偶y艂by np. albo… I ja, jako czytelnik, 偶ycie mia艂bym 艂atwiejsze 馃檨


Elephants Dream come true!

Hoah! Belive it or not, we’re 3 weeks from premiere of the first full screen movie created only with Open Source tools! It was create with Blender3D. It’s so cool to see the new areas where OS solutions are being used succesfully.

The message is clear, hey! If you want to create animations you don’t have to steal the software! Blender is out there for you!
I’m not 3D Artists, but I heard only one complain against Blender – it has more complex UI than 3DS. I tried working with some Blender tutorials and now I have to confirm. 3DS has ordinary, simple for beginners UI, while Blender has one of the best pieces of work I have ever seen. Their UI is innovative and intuitive (once you know it) that I’m wondering why other tools never started using things like top menu, it’s soooooooo cool 馃檪 Try it, read tutorials, comment…


Firefox CD’s in UK

Heh… I found it really funny to read Gervase’s article about Firefox CD’s in UK and what gave me even more fun was to read Polish news sites writing about it. Yes, most of the business world still has no clue what it’s all about and that’s the hype we can use to reach the market.

It’s not only that the world is not expecting OS, it’s also that the world is false-positivly sure that it understands it once it knows about it. So even when someone knows that OS exists, it’s rather possible that he is calm because he thinks that he understands what it’s all about.

I expect even more fun in the future when those crappy, proprietary oriented companies, organisations and people will start trying to fit OS into their vision of the world…


Screen capture video tool

Anyone can help me find screen capture app that will record avi videos?

I found Istanbul – but it sucks on OpenSuSe 10.1 beta4 (right click on preferences doesn’t work, and app crashes on Xgl during transculency) and Wink which records Flash only (160 frames of low quality animation – 46 MB)…

Any help? I’d like to record Xgl movie 馃槈


Novell’s XGL previews

I love those previews. With things like this we can start talking louder about position of Linux as a desktop solution on the market. Not because it brings the new quality of work, but because it brings high-quality UI and modern effects to us. When Windows XP appeared, Linux was light years behind, when Vista will come, we will be there!

After watching this videos, can you name any of the “so great” visual improvements in Vista that could beat MacOSX and Linux?


Most stupid way to waste your time

Guys, I just found this. Those folks seems to working hard to waste their time well…


Digital Camera

I’m going to buy a digital camera. I want to have something very slim and small. After looking at tons of reviews and getting feedback from Anna and Lloyd, I decided to buy Canon PowerShot SD450 or Samsung Digimax i5.

I’d love to get any feedback and/or suggestions about those two, and any similar camera, that you have touched…

update: I bought Canon PowerShot SD450. I really like Samsung design more, but everyone says that Canon has better feature set, and I trust people generally 馃槈


More on Windows

New year starts with the new wave of informations about upcoming Microsoft OS. In the last post I received a lot of criticizm from MS oriented people who listed me new things that will be in Vista. I also took a look at Bill Gates’s list which seems to be similar and the new Vista Tour, to be able to talk more about what’s there and how it compares to other GUI’s.

First of all I think that the new things in Vista we can split into two groups. First is the list of under-the-hood, skeleton, API changes. Second is a list of on-top, user-focused UI things. And one thing is interesting. There seems to be no change in the relation between user and the OS. I’ll talk about it more later.