
Project Watcher

Projects I’m interested in:


Graphic, game engines




This is a list of projects that I’m currently watching, I’m trying to find news about them, digging their Wiki’s, Bugzilla’s, SVN’s. I’m testing nightlies, I’m trying to support some of them and I’m definitly waiting for every new version.What is the best with this list, is that you can get ALL of this for FREE. Without a single penny. I’m sure that the list is not full, and I’ll try to update it and possible move it from diary post into a page on my diary so everyone could use it to find interesting projects.

I’d like to see other people creating such list on their own so I can find other interesting projects. If you have a second, and some projects that you’re watching, create such a list and ping me back!


Jogger story

Ci, którzy mnie znają, wiedzą, że jedną z rzeczy, których w internecie nie cierpie jest Jogger. Mam ku temu swoje powody, zainteresowanym przedłożyłem je nie raz przy niejednym piwie…

Zbliżamy się właśnie do wydania Joggera 2.0, który zdaje się być absolutnie nietrafioną odpowiedzią, czemu dziwić się nie można skoro jego rozwój miał z modelem open source mało wspólnego, a na dodatek osoba, która “sprawuje opiekę” nad Joggerem (jak niegdyś Beeth na IrcNetem), uraczyła Nas takimi oto kwiatkami. (update: Koledzy z Opery też zostali uraczeni floodem) Czy to, że taki coś zdarza się nie po raz pierwszy wystarczy, żeby uznać Joggera za źródło śmiecenia i blokować go?

Nie wiem czy to wina Planety czy Joggera, raczej stawiam na Joggera, bo planty są używane od lat w wielu miejscach na świecie, a takie coś widuję (nie po raz pierwszy) wyłącznie tam gdzie planeta agreguje joggerowców…Feed wydaje się być w porządku więc moje podejrzenia kierują się w stronę wniosku, że feed był nieprawidłowy w momencie agregacji.

W każdym razie mam od dawna poczucie, że projekt Jogger ma niewiele wspólnego z tym co nazywamy społecznym internetem, jego funkcjonalność jest na tyle odległa od funkcjonalności innych systemów blogowania i na tyle uboższa, że za każdym razem jak korzystam z bloga postawionego na joggerze, to klnę jego twórcę, bo gdyby joggera był nie stworzył, to autor może użyłby np. albo… I ja, jako czytelnik, życie miałbym łatwiejsze 🙁


Elephants Dream come true!

Hoah! Belive it or not, we’re 3 weeks from premiere of the first full screen movie created only with Open Source tools! It was create with Blender3D. It’s so cool to see the new areas where OS solutions are being used succesfully.

The message is clear, hey! If you want to create animations you don’t have to steal the software! Blender is out there for you!
I’m not 3D Artists, but I heard only one complain against Blender – it has more complex UI than 3DS. I tried working with some Blender tutorials and now I have to confirm. 3DS has ordinary, simple for beginners UI, while Blender has one of the best pieces of work I have ever seen. Their UI is innovative and intuitive (once you know it) that I’m wondering why other tools never started using things like top menu, it’s soooooooo cool 🙂 Try it, read tutorials, comment…


Google planet!

So, Piotr Konieczny created a Google Planet service which is for sure a very interesting idea. We use planets, we aggregate data, and Google is the term we’re looking for. So, Google Planet is the answer.

I don’t think it’ll last long till Google will contact Piotr and ask him to shut down the planet or at least rebrand it, cause at the moment it can be easly confused with original Google web service due to design.

Anyway, if you like to know what’s on the grill there, Google planet is for you 🙂


Mozilla, start your Photocopiers

What I really enjoy is that Firefox’s approach to new Places system is getting almost 100% similar to Flock’s Favorites solution. Yesterday, I saw “Collections”. It’s pretty good, that Firefox UI team decided to use the best modern solution that was invented by us.

What I don’t enjoy that much is that I had hard time to find any note that would confirm that Firefox uses Flock as a base for their solution. Flock is very young, we don’t look for big user base now, but what we do look for is a group of volunteers and community that could help us create a great and fresh browser. A signal from Mozilla could point potential interested people that Flock is the good place to start your story with a browser creation, especially that it’s way easier to influence our UI with good ideas than Firefox’s one. The difference is because Firefox must keep its userbase, so it’s less flexible and can’t do crazy things with UI, while we can.

The only confirmation about the thesis, that Firefox UI team is not inventing exactly the same solutions on their own I got during the Firefox Summit, after the talk about Places, I had a short chat with some guy who’s working on Places and he confirmed that they’re basing on Flock. It’s great! We invented a natural next step for managing bookmarks, and what Firefox does only confirms that we’re going in the right direction. More, it seems that IE 7 will have sth similar too! I don’t know about Opera nor Safari, but I expect them to do the same in the near future.

We are open sourced, and we are happy to see people confirming that we’re doing a nice job by implementing our solutions, but I personally would like to see some kind of “thank you” for that. For Firefox folks it means almost nothing, while for us, a small group trying to create something new, such advertisement would help a lot. So Ben, if you have some time to write a bit about how you found Flock and Favorites and why you decided to use it for Firefox, please, do so, I think that’s the way Open Source should go!

By the way, I’m just after the lecture of our internal proposal list for Flock 0.7. And I can ensure you all, that Firefox 3.0 will have the full source of ideas :)) Stay tuned, and if you want to help us, step in to, send us a feedback, subscribe to flock-dev maillist, join our IRC channels and share your ideas, we’re probably the best place in the world now where your crazy idea can be forged into the browser feature 🙂


cd ~/

I’m back in my flat, I need a lot of sleep, I’m very, very tired. FOSDEM was great, we made a lot of awesome stuff out there, I met a lot of great people, ate a lot of great food, spend around 20 hours on FOSDEM (during 2 days), I gave a talk about Flock browser, lead a session about Localization Projects that last for almost 4 hours, answered zillion questions, asked another zillion questions, and got interviewed about Flock by some television (reporter promised to mail me once it’s public somewhere).

A few notes are: Brussel is better than London, it looks very nice, beside of the fact that it’s dirty. Food is amazing once you know the places, beer is nice, FOSDEM Toilets are slightly better than last year, localizers must get used to the meeting atmosphere so they start talking more, we want/need you to speak, and speak laud!, Paul Kim is a great guy, I think that it’s a big luck for Mozilla to have him in their crew, I also had a chance to drink a beer with Peterv, Brian King and Dwayne Bailey (kudos to him for his work on Pootle!) and I heard some rumours from Gerv and Tristan that it could happen that next meeting will be a pure Mozilla meeting in Europe, outside of the FOSDEM, so we can attend to some FOSDEM talks, that are NOT about Mozilla, and COULD possibly be interesting. 🙂

More about it, plus screenshots from FOSDEM, tomorrow. Good night, FOSDEM wasn’t bad (beside of lack of Pike 🙁 ).


FOSDEM 2006 – Bad, bad, bad

It seems that we must face some real problems before we can start the MozDevRoom.

First, Axel Hecht, who was supposed to lead L10n panel and the talk on the main room about XUL, cut his thumb and he will not attend at all :((((( We’ll try to get him on skype through.

Then, some bastard stole all Gerv’s luggage once he got here… Then, the flight with me, Marcoos, Staszyna, Pitreck and Anna was delayed by 3 hours! We of course missed the invite party 🙁

Then, Staszyna blocked his cell phone during a lobby session to convince his cell phone that the PIN is 0300. Cell phone won that match and now Staszyna is blocked.

Then, me and Anna went to some Italian Pizzeria where they had NO PIZZA (sic!), and I failed to find an USA-Europe adapter so I can’t charge my camera battery…

I hope that all bad is behind us and starting from tomorrow morning we will ignite some storm into our brains and share it to multiply the power of our work so once the FOSDEM is over, we will be all charged with ideas and motivation to make the Internet a better place for us all, spreading the fire of open source 🙂 Cross your fingers 🙂


Firefox CD’s in UK

Heh… I found it really funny to read Gervase’s article about Firefox CD’s in UK and what gave me even more fun was to read Polish news sites writing about it. Yes, most of the business world still has no clue what it’s all about and that’s the hype we can use to reach the market.

It’s not only that the world is not expecting OS, it’s also that the world is false-positivly sure that it understands it once it knows about it. So even when someone knows that OS exists, it’s rather possible that he is calm because he thinks that he understands what it’s all about.

I expect even more fun in the future when those crappy, proprietary oriented companies, organisations and people will start trying to fit OS into their vision of the world…


FOSDEM 2006 – Localization issue

Due to very trivial, innocent, wrong reason, Pike will probably not be able to attend to FOSDEM 2006. I hope that he’ll make it at least on Sunday, but he wrote that chances low.
He asked me and Kairo to lead the session, and of course I will do my best to help here. After the discussion it seems that I will lead Localization sessions, with Kairo’s help, if Pike will not be able to come, and we’ll try to deploy some remote communication with Pike during this session.
Anyway, it means that I will have way less time for myself, and I hope that me and Kairo we’ll not fail the task. CU there and let’s do sth great once we’re there, together!


Screen capture video tool

Anyone can help me find screen capture app that will record avi videos?

I found Istanbul – but it sucks on OpenSuSe 10.1 beta4 (right click on preferences doesn’t work, and app crashes on Xgl during transculency) and Wink which records Flash only (160 frames of low quality animation – 46 MB)…

Any help? I’d like to record Xgl movie 😉