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We have an important story to tell!

Hey @flod (and Giacomo!)! You touched interesting topics in your latest post, and when I started crafting my comment it got so lengthy, I decided to use my platform to deliver it. Blog-to-blog discussion style! 馃檪

I’ll try to respond, but please, bare in mind, that that’s my personal opinion, nothing official.

You started by pointing out a set of efforts that you either find of questionable value or not “leader” style. Things like Fx UI direction, multiprocessing, Jetpack or Personas.

In particular, you focused on two dimensions:

  1. Are those efforts unique? Innovative? Or do we chase others?
  2. Are those efforts valuable elements that fit into Mozilla Manifesto vision

You question both, and I believe you have all the rights on Earth to do so. We may disagree, but we should talk about this, and I find the fact that you express your concerns in public a good sign of the health of our ecosystem.

So, down to some points you raised. I humbly disagree with your notion of “cloning Chrome”. I believe it is a cognitive impairment that we so easily (we – I mean, most Mozillians I know) buy – this concept of “fresh Chrome”. Chrome is great! But it is not “innovative” in a sense many people talk about it. We just so easily take for granted a lot of inventions we brought to the world, and Chrome, yes, they just looked at Firefox and learned from us. That is just awesome, but that’s what they did!

Once again, Google is looking at an open source project and learns from them how to build a web browser. No, wait! Google, Microsoft and Apple are doing it. Now, how awesome it is? Think of all those things that Firefox brought to the browser landscape since its 1.0 version and notice how many of those innovations are now in IE8, Safari and Chrome.

They also have brilliant developers and *just* bringing all the values of Firefox would be a waste of time, so they, among other things, got a free ride of fixing things we struggled with. And now it is our time to fix those, and there’s nothing unhealthy in this. What would be, in my opinion, unhealthy, is to pretend we don’t see them, and defending our approach as “the right one” (remember Bill Gates first comments on Firefox 1.0?).

Ability to go multi-process is important. Majority of perceived performance improvements that Chrome has (and Fx 3.5/3.6 brought) come from two things: tricking user’s eyes – show him UI 200 ms before its usable – and putting expensive elements off the main thread. (I’m sure that performance team will be able to explain that better). The fact that you have to restart your browser when you install extension is a UX bug. No user expects it or wants it. It does not bring any value and the only reason we have it is a technical limitation.

For years we raised the bar of how the web browser should work. We set the standards in many areas. Opera set some, Safari set some, IE set some as well. Now Chrome set some standards and we just have to match them, possibly using extelligence of our brilliant dev team to push it further and innovate (Jetpack team is far from just fixing issues, they aim for bringing extensions to a new level, and they should be aiming for nothing less than that!). No reason to be worried, we make a great web browser better and it would be unwise to ask our users to trade those nice features for ability to use browser with Mozilla values. Why not give them the best of both?

Personas is an interesting project. I remember my initial feelings when I encountered Personas were much of “eee, nothing interesting”. I considered it to be a minor feature. I recognized that I’m not a target audience (neither you are, I think). But on the day of Fx 3.6 launch I got my lesson when I received amazing amount of feedback from my non-geek friends precisely about Personas and how this project resonated with them. It was amazing for me how emotional people got about “missing Real Madrid Persona, but you have Barcelona one!” or “the pink one is soooo cute” or “my browser is so much more personal now, when my you-name-it favorite actor/actress or symbol of my subculture is here”. Look at the amount of Personas created by people in such a short time! It is an amazing project and only now I see how it fits into Mozilla mission and vibe.

UI on the other hand is a much more complex thing, cause it is related to personal taste and fashion (and fashion itself is, from sociologist point of view a bizarre phenomena of human culture). But imo it all boils down to a simple aspect of cyclical changes. Windows 7 brought new UI, IE8 followed. Chrome followed IE8, Opera followed IE8 or Chrome or both, we’re following W7 or IE8 or Chrome or Opera – you call it. People expect browser to match the visual style of their operating system and Windows 7 is going to be the OS of choice for the vast majority of the world which, in result, will set the UI standard for the OS and apps for quite a some time. We can like it or hate it, but that’s going to happen, and Firefox on Windows should imo fit the OS style. What we will do beyond that is the major issue, and I believe our UI team is trying to come out with the value on top of that. Basing on past experience, I’m sure they’ll do a great job and we’ll see others learning from us. That’s how it works here. Would you prefer vendors to ignore each others accomplishments or deny them?

I disagree with you on your perspective of mobile world. I, for one, wait for Fennec on Android and I know a lot of people who do. I’m excited to think of how we can fit Firefox experience into Windows Mobile 7 and I’m sure it’ll be an exciting journey. Mozilla Messaging is going to generate projects related to forms of communication and I find this topic to be extremely important, so I have no worry about sustainability of it. Our embedding story is nothing to be proud of, but maybe it was a trade-off we had to do in order to achieve what we aimed for. I share your concerns here, and I see many of the platform team people discuss what we can do in order to make it better.

I see Mozilla pretty much self-aware of many of the issues you raised and diversified internally enough to have people raising concerns internally and open enough to have a ground to talk about them – your post is a part of it.

Bottom line

But ultimately I believe your concerns would be all valid if that would be all that is happening in the Mozilla project. If the whole community would work on either Personas, or marketing or UI. But is it? Do you really feel that those elements you describe represent, as you wrote “Mozilla project as a whole“?

I see Mozilla as a meta-project that’s involved in a huge number of projects that touch amazing variety of issues, and it is very hard to nail it down to one or two and call that “representative” for the community.

No matter what you think of Personas, I don’t think you can say that this effort matches what Mozilla is doing with Drumbeat, Bespin, Raindrop or Weave. No matter if you find Jetpack valuable, I hope you did not get lured by press foretelling the end of extensions as we know them. Can you name an example of a project that generated tons of thousands of dependencies and was irresponsibly killed by Mozilla? Have we ever done something like that? Then, do you really think we will do this?

We generate amazing amount of projects of very different kinds. Globally, our community is very diversified and in different points of their journey. Some communities need more marketing, UK, Korea, Sweden? Some, like Italy, Poland, Germany, may have enough internal marketing to consider Mozilla global marketing effort focused on promoting Firefox useless for them or even “too much”. We, Mozillians who live in those countries should act as a membrane which adjusts the signal, and gives feedback to our fellow Mozillians worldwide about what we need, and what we don’t. Poland has 52% of market share, and we need things like developers community or foundation-like efforts to use the potential are trust we generated over years as a platform to bring Mozilla values further, so we work with Mitchell, Mozilla Foundation and from time to time I try to get Paul Rouget’s attention 馃槈 At the same time, PR and marketing wise, we work with Polish PR agency, Barbara and others to balance the amount of press we generate to avoid wasting time to convince the convinced ones. That’s just adjusting. I believe that we should do that much more often in many countries which just are ready for different aspects of Mozilla project to stimulate and energize Mozillians.

Example? Here you are. You think we focus too much on marketing sites? Well, then you focus on other aspects! I believe that the concept of “we have to localize all websites to all languages” is not sustainable anymore. We will generate more websites/webapps, and our local communities will decide which ones to promote locally. We don’t have to have everything localize everywhere and that’s a great power you have to adjust the signal to your locale. Mozilla should make sure all websites/webapps/apps are localizable and let community decide which ones to localize. Focus on the ones that are most important for you!

We have so many projects to pick from! Of different kinds, using different techniques to address different aspects of the common value set expressed in Mozilla Manifesto. They’re also diverse in a way you think about them.

Some of them are truly unique and experimental, and massive – think of our JIT approach (it took a ride from MtV to SF airport for Taras to explain to my what is so different in our JIT approach but now I’m proud of what we’re aiming for), think of L20n, think of Ubiquity,聽 Bespin, Raindrop or Drumbeat.

Some of them, are application of Mozilla-way onto existing concepts. Weave is not innovative because it allows sharing data. But it brought privacy to the picture. SUMO is not the very first support platform ever, but the way we approach the concept of support is innovative and “Mozillian”. Our Metrics team is not the only metrics team in the world, but they do hell a lot of innovation on making their work public and open to contribution which is pretty unique. We may not be the first project ever to have marketing team, but we approach marketing and PR in a unique and innovative way.

Some of them are just a catch-up game and that’s also not bad. We have 350 million users, if someone brought a good idea to the world of web browsers and we can just make sure that 350 million Internet users may use Internet safer, easier and better then I find it pretty important thing to do and I definitely expect such actions from other vendors. (think: partial upgrades)

Ultimately, many of them are a mix of the ones above and as long as we are able to generate new projects that resonate with what people find important on the Internet, I think Mozilla makes an impact and has a bright future that we, including you and me, have to shape.

main po polsku tech

Blokowanie zalewu robot贸w MSNu

Mniej wi臋cej pod koniec grudnia, odezwa艂 si臋 do mnie dostawca hostingu dla – Dreamhost.

Napisali do mnie, 偶e niestety musz膮 mnie prosi膰 o zdj臋cie serwisu ze wzgl臋du na ogromne obci膮偶enie 艂膮cza jakie ten serwis generuje.

To oczywi艣cie do艣膰 mocny cios w postawowy mechanizm jakiego u偶ywa do swojej pracy i na dodatek cios w punkt, na kt贸rym nie znam si臋 a偶 tak dobrze (nie znam kodu Bugzilli aby oceni膰 co wp艂ywa na jej wydajno艣膰). Pan z DH poinformowa艂, 偶e wygl膮da na to, 偶e nasza zu偶ywa ogromne zasoby procesora i rejestruje bardzo wysok膮 liczb臋 odwiedzin z robota MSN.

To natchn臋艂o mnie by za艂o偶y膰 system statystyczny i zacz膮膰 obserwowa膰. Z DH dogadali艣my si臋, 偶e zamykamy bugzill臋 do czasu gdy zrozumiemy przyczyn臋 tak du偶ego obci膮偶enia.

W okresie 艣wi膮t i nowego roku trudno by艂o znale藕膰 czas na prac臋 nad tym, ale gdy w ko艅cu si臋 zebra艂em, logi okaza艂y si臋 bezlitosne. Nasza Bugzilla dziennie obs艂uguje nasz zesp贸艂 (troch臋 ponad 20 os贸b) plus odwiedzaj膮cych, co powinno, na moje oko, dawa膰 ko艂o 60-80 os贸b dziennie, ko艂o 150 wizyt, ko艂o 600 stron.

Zamiast tego, w pa藕dzierniku rejestrowali艣my 艣rednio 6500 pobra艅 stron dziennie, w listopadzie 7000 a w grudniu dochodzi艂o do 8000. To znacz膮ca r贸偶nica zw艂aszcza, 偶e te 偶膮dania w znacznej cz臋艣ci dotyczy艂y z艂o偶onych kwerend wyszukiwawczych i za艂膮cznik贸w. Takie kwerendy generuj膮 najwi臋ksze obci膮偶enie serwera i s膮 najwolniejsze.

Nast臋pnym wnioskiem by艂o to, 偶e oko艂o 84% tego ruchu generowane jest przez hosty w domenie 65.55 oraz 66.249 za艣 najpopularniejsz膮 przegl膮dark膮 jest msnbot/2.0b kt贸ra pobra艂a w listopadzie 157000 stron, czyli oko艂o 13000 stron dziennie! Na dalszych miejscach by艂o Googlebot z 2500 i Yahoo Slurp! z 166 zapytaniami dziennie.

Pierwsz膮 reakcj膮 by艂o oczywi艣cie za艂o偶enie robots.txt, kt贸re powinno za艂atwi膰 spraw臋 oraz lektura google w poszukiwaniu podobnych przypadk贸w. Lekcja pierwsza m贸wi艂a, 偶e s膮 dobre i z艂e roboty. Dobre to takie, kt贸re sprawdzaj膮 robots.txt i jak ten m贸wi “nie” to nie przeszukuj膮 oraz z艂e, takie, kt贸re ignoruj膮 robots.txt.

Oczywi艣cie po chwili okaza艂o si臋, 偶e msnbot/2.0b, kt贸ry przychodzi do mnie z domen takich jak czy jest z艂ym robotem, kt贸ry ignoruje plik dla niego przygotowany (mimo, 偶e czyta go, oj czyta, tak mniej wi臋cej co 30 sekund przez 24h na dob臋!).

Ciekaw膮 reakcj膮 (obserwowan膮 tak偶e przez innych adminow) jest to, 偶e po w艂膮czeniu robots.txt, msnbot zaczyna oszukiwa膰. Mianowicie odpytuje robots.txt jako msnbot, znajduje informacj臋, 偶e go nie chcemy a nast臋pnie zaczyna indeksowa膰 strony podaj膮c si臋 za Internet Explorera 6.

Przyk艂ad takiego zachowania: - - [03/Feb/2010:14:05:41 -0800] "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 319 "-" "msnbot/2.0b (+" - - [03/Feb/2010:14:06:12 -0800] "GET /attachment.cgi?id=453&action=diff&context=patch&collapsed=&headers=1&format=raw HTTP/1.1" 200 841 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2;聽 SLCC1;聽 .NET CLR 1.1.4322;聽 .NET CLR 2.0.40607)" - - [03/Feb/2010:14:06:30 -0800] "GET /attachment.cgi?id=132&action=edit HTTP/1.1" 200 477 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2;聽 SV1;聽 .NET CLR 1.1.4322;聽 .NET CLR 2.0.50727;聽 .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648)" - - [03/Feb/2010:14:06:44 -0800] "GET /attachment.cgi?bugid=189&action=viewall HTTP/1.1" 200 477 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1;聽 SLCC1;聽 .NET CLR 1.1.4322;聽 .NET CLR 2.0.50727;聽 .NET CLR 3.0.30729;聽 .NET CLR 3.5.30729;聽 InfoPath.2)" - - [03/Feb/2010:14:06:47 -0800] "GET /attachment.cgi?id=784&action=diff&context=patch&collapsed=&headers=1&format=raw HTTP/1.1" 200 2160 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2;聽 SLCC1;聽 .NET CLR 1.1.4325;聽 .NET CLR 2.0.50727;聽 .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648)" - - [03/Feb/2010:14:06:50 -0800] "GET /attachment.cgi?bugid=189&action=viewall HTTP/1.1" 200 477 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1;聽 SLCC1;聽 .NET CLR 1.1.4322;聽 .NET CLR 2.0.50727;聽 .NET CLR 3.0.30729;聽 .NET CLR 3.5.30729;聽 InfoPath.2)" - - [03/Feb/2010:14:07:16 -0800] "GET /attachment.cgi?bugid=1098&action=viewall HTTP/1.1" 200 477 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1;聽 SLCC1;聽 .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" 

Uwa偶ny czytelnik zwr贸ci uwag臋, 偶e bot pos艂uguje si臋 r贸偶nymi UA stringami, r贸偶nymi adresami IP (tak na prawde to jest ich znacznie wi臋cej, rotuj膮 si臋 jednak raz na kilka godzin wi臋c trudno by艂o to 艂adnie uj膮膰 w wycinku logu) i identyfikuj膮 MSN albo przez host, albo przez UA, albo w og贸le! (wiersz drugi) W takiej sytuacji domy艣lenie si臋 koincydencji (oraz odwiedzin z domeny 65.55.*.* na polskim serwisie polskiego zespo艂u lokalizacyjnego) wymaga logicznego rozumowania i jest trudne do zapisania w spos贸b algorytmiczny.

Uwa偶am takie zachowanie za skandaliczne, cho膰 p贸藕niej okaza艂o si臋, 偶e nie oni jedni.

Google zachowuje si臋 w miare sensownie i utrzymuje sta艂e IP crawlera, co pozwala go wyci膮膰 po nim. Yahoo podobnie. Natomiast przedwczoraj zaatakowa艂 crawler WP, kt贸ry r贸wnie偶 zignorowa艂 robots.txt i przez 3 godziny indeksowa艂 ka偶d膮 kombinacj臋 kwerend wyszukania i za艂膮czniki jakie mamy w naszej Bugzilli.

Mimo to, 偶e takich problem贸w mam wi臋cej, najwa偶niejsze s膮 implikacje takich zachowa艅:

1) Jakie obci膮偶enie generuje dla serwis贸w dynamicznych taki robot. Prosz臋 zrozumie膰 skal臋! Ten robot atakuje falami, co godzin臋, przez 24 godziny na dob臋, przez wszystkie dni w miesi膮cu, za ka偶dym razem generuj膮c fal臋 zapyta艅 na poziomie 100 zapyta艅 w minut臋! I to nie s膮 zapytania o pliki statyczne, CSS, JS czy PNG. To wy艂膮cznie zapytania o strony! Jakie koszty to generuje, jakie obci膮偶enie… to absurd

2) Robot, kt贸ry wedle log贸w zacz膮艂 dzia艂ac mniej wi臋cej po uruchomieniu wyszukiwarki bing, ignoruje kontrakt spo艂eczny mi臋dzy autorami stron i wyszukiwarkami i indeksuje wszystko pomimo, 偶e pobiera te偶 robots.txt kt贸ry mu tego zabrania.

3) Jaki ma to wp艂yw na statystyki IE? W moim, bardzo starym mechanizmie statystyk (webalizer chyba – to dostarcza DH) ma ogromny. Aktualnie wedle niego odwiedza 80% u偶ytkownik贸w z IE6.

Na koniec dodam tylko, 偶e obecnie stosuj臋 niniejszy .htaccess do blokowania tego ile si臋 da.

main mozilla po polsku tech

Mozilla, wolno艣膰 i h.264

Uwaga: poni偶szy tekst, to moja prywatna opinia, jako cz艂onka projektu Mozilla.

W tym tygodniu nast膮pi艂 wa偶ny moment w historii rozwoju WWW. Youtube i Vimeo og艂osi艂y plany odej艣cia od technologii Flash na rzecz standardu HTML5.

Kawa艂ek historii

Blisko rok temu, Mozilla og艂osi艂a wprowadzenie tagu <video/> i rozpocz臋艂a promowanie go, jako alternatywy dla zamkni臋tych wtyczek.

Wiele os贸b wtedy krytykowa艂o t臋 decyzj臋. Zwracano uwag臋, 偶e nikt inny tego nie wprowadza, 偶e HTML5 to jeszcze nie jest standard, 偶e Ogg/Theora, kodek, kt贸rego u偶ywamy, nie jest wystarczaj膮co szybki oraz, 偶e jest za p贸藕no, nikt nie zrezygnuje z zamkni臋tych wtyczek dla otwartego standardu. Ta krytyka nie by艂a bezpodstawna. Wszystkie powy偶sze punkty by艂y prawdziwe.

To, 偶e dzi艣 rozmawiamy o tym z tak odmiennego punktu widzenia pokazuje tylko jak szybko nast臋puj膮 dzi艣 zmiany w 艣wiecie standard贸w w por贸wnaniu do, np. czasu jaki zaj臋艂o wprowadzanie standardu CSS2. To ogromny sukces ca艂ej spo艂eczno艣ci skupionej wok贸艂 WWW i wierz臋, 偶e Mozilla mia艂a w tym decyduj膮c膮 rol臋.

Wracaj膮c do tematu, dzi艣 mamy trzy wa偶ne silniki obs艂uguj膮ce <video/> – Presto (Opera), Webkit (Safari, Chrome) i Gecko (Firefox, Camino, Seamonkey, Flock). Mamy rosn膮c膮 liczb臋 stron, kt贸re korzystaj膮 z tego standardu i rosn膮c膮 liczb臋 u偶ytkownik贸w, kt贸rzy korzystaj膮 z przegl膮darki kt贸ra je obs艂uguje. (W Polsce oko艂o 50% u偶ytkownik贸w Internetu).

Niestety, Chrome i Safari zdecydowa艂y si臋 wspiera膰 wideo obs艂uguj膮c jedynie kodek o nazwie h.264, kt贸ry jest zamkni臋ty i trzeba za niego zap艂aci膰. Mozilla uwa偶a, 偶e taki krok jest szkodliwy dla rozwoju Internetu i stoi w sprzeczno艣ci z Manifestem Mozilli i w efekcie nowe platformy Vimeo i Youtube nie mog膮 by膰 wykorzystywane przez Firefoksa.

Wierzymy, 偶e znajdziemy porozumienie, ale na razie sytuacja jest trudna. W tym po艣cie postaram si臋 wyt艂umaczy膰, dlaczego Mozilla uznaje H.264 za z艂y kodek dla Internetu.

main mozilla po polsku tech

Firefox 3.6 wydany!

A jednak, myli艂em si臋.

Dwie godziny przed czasem, Firefox 3.6 zosta艂 wydany!

Wi臋cej informacji.

Dzi臋kujemy ca艂ej spo艂eczno艣ci Mozilli pracuj膮cej nad tym! 馃檪

main mozilla po polsku tech

Firefox 3.6 ju偶 dzisiaj, o 19:30 czasu polskiego

Taaak… P贸艂 roku po wydaniu Firefoksa 3.5, ju偶 dzisiaj, o 19:30 czasu polskiego Mozilla wyda nast臋pn膮 wersj臋 swojego flagowego produktu – Firefoksa.

Czas w Internecie przyspiesza. Kiedy艣 rok mi臋dzy wydaniami by艂 OK, teraz p贸艂 roku to ju偶 stanowczo za d艂ugo oczekiwania, zatem wszyscy w projekcie mamy poczucie, 偶e na finalne 3.6 czekalismy d艂ugo.

Z drugiej strony. Cierpliwo艣膰 u偶ytkownik贸w spada. Kiedy艣 byli gotowi czeka膰 na swoje BBSy czy pierwsze strony po kilka minut na modemach 36kbps. Dzi艣 narzekamy na kilkumegabitowe 艂膮cza. Podobnie z przegl膮darkami. Cho膰 ka偶da, absolutnie ka偶da wersja ka偶dej przegl膮darki na rynku jest szybsza z wersji na wersj臋, po kilku miesi膮cach staje si臋 ju偶 “za wolna”.

Firefox 3.6 nie jest wyj膮tkiem, szybszy o 20% od Firefoksa 3.5 sprawia, 偶e Firefox 2.0, w 2006 roku demon pr臋dko艣ci, wygl膮da dzi艣 na okrutnie powolnego (mimo, 偶e przecie偶 moc obliczeniowa domowych komputer贸w wzros艂a kilkakrotnie!).聽 Dzi艣 wszystkie przegl膮darki walcz膮 o u艂amki sekund, cho膰 zbli偶amy si臋 do granicy mo偶liwo艣ci sprz臋tu.

Poza pr臋dko艣ci膮, Firefox 3.6 to tak偶e Personas, mn贸stwo fajnych rzeczy dla autor贸w stron, mechanizm pilnuj膮cy aktualno艣ci wtyczek i inne.

Marek St臋pie艅 i ca艂e pracowa艂o oczywi艣cie nad przygotowaniem polskiej lokalizacji, kt贸ra mam nadziej臋 jak zawsze stanowi膰 b臋dzie mocny punkt programu 馃檪

p.s. Tak. O 19:30. Mike Beltzner jest bardzo, bardzo skrupulatny. Punkt 19:30 w Polsce. Ani minuty, sekundy, godziny wcze艣niej. Wszystko co pojawi si臋 wcze艣niej mo偶e si臋 zmieni膰. Chcesz wcze艣niej? Mo偶esz pobra膰 nocn膮 kompilacj臋 – ale gwarancj臋 jako艣ci i wsparcie dajemy na finalne wydanie Firefoksa 3.6, kt贸re pojawi si臋 o 19:30 o czym i Mozilla nie zapomn膮 zakomunikowa膰.

main mozilla po polsku tech

Wywiad w “Du偶ym Formacie”

Troch臋 sp贸藕niony wpis, bowiem wywiad ukaza艂 si臋 ponad tydzie艅 temu (o czym pisa艂 Pawe艂 i Hubert), ale mam nadziej臋, 偶e jeszcze kto艣 si臋 znajdzie komu ten wpis si臋 przyda 馃檪

W poprzedniej Gazecie Wyborczej, w dodatku o nazwie “Du偶y Format”, po艣wi臋conemu sprawom spo艂ecznym, wywiadom itp. pojawi艂 si臋 wywiad Wojciecha Staszewskiego ze mn膮. Jest on o tyle ciekawy, 偶e kierowany do innego czytelnika, ni偶 wi臋kszo艣c wywiad贸w kt贸rych udzielam. Tym razem m贸wimy nie o detalach implementacji, ostatnich wynikach sunspidera czy acid3. Rozmawiamy o historii, o tym jak to si臋 zacze艂o i co w tym jest wyj膮tkowego.

Wydaje mi si臋, 偶e wywiad si臋 uda艂 (serdeczne dzi臋ki dla dziennikarza), Wojciech musia艂 mocno skr贸ci膰 i zredagowa膰 go, gdy偶 rozmowa na podstawie kt贸rej powsta艂 trwa艂a ponad 3 godziny, ale wierz臋, 偶e uda艂o si臋 uchwyci膰 sens i tre艣膰 o czym 艣wiadcz膮 te偶 pozytywne oceny znajomych i nieznajomych oraz ca艂kiem mi艂y ranking “gwiazdek” pod artyku艂em.

Dodam jeszcze, 偶e kiedy pierwszy raz spotka艂em Wojciecha, by艂o to na kolacji z okazji 5 lat Firefoksa, by艂 on absolutnie nie艣wiadomy sytuacji na rynku przegl膮darek, nie wiedzia艂, 偶e istniej膮 inne ni偶 Internet Explorer i my艣l臋, 偶e z pewnym zdumieniem odkry艂 istnienie Firefoksa oraz to, 偶e w Polsce ma on ponad 50%. Taki rozm贸wca pom贸g艂 mi dopasowa膰 form臋 wypowiedzi do tych, kt贸rzy nie sp臋dzaj膮 偶ycia w Internecie i dla kt贸rych to co si臋 w nim dzieje jest tylko jednym z aspekt贸w rzeczywisto艣ci, pewnie gdzie艣 obok polityki, spraw socjalnych, technologii, medycyny itp.

Zapraszam do lektury i ch臋tnie przyjm臋 feedback 馃檪

main mozilla tech

The new era of software localization is approaching

Those of you who follow the localization tales of Mozilla project know the mythical “L20n” concept introduced by Axel Hecht over two years ago.

Since then, we spent zillion hours thinking about this concept and maturing it. Every time I was working on any project – be it Verbatim, Firefox, Getpersonas, AMO, Pontoon or Jetpack L10n – I was telling myself how much better it could be, had we have L20n in place. Easier for localizers, easier for developers, easier to maintain. Did I tell you it’s faster as well?

Then, last summer, Jeremy Hiatt joined us for his summer internship and spent 3 months working with Axel and me on pushing some of the implementation concepts forward.

With the end of summer, we got again busy with upcoming Firefox 3.6 release and put L20n again in coma…

Until now.

Without getting into much detail, I can tell you that right now we’re preparing for the next, and hopefully, ultimate push toward L20n 1.0. Over the next few months you will have more than enough of blog posts and papers and demos and examples. We will be asking for feedback, presenting the syntax, experimenting with toolchain, building extensions, and slowly preparing to introduce L20n into Gecko platform and our websites.

We believe that L20n is the most crucial piece of Mozilla localization story, aligning perfectly into our core values. Mozilla is in the best position to push the localization experience to the new level, finally enabling software to speak in the natural language of the reader. Gettext is awesome, but aging technology, properties/DTD that we use in Gecko today, are limited, tens of proprietary formats (used by projects like Qt, Webkit, Apple, Nokia) just replicate the same concept. L20n shifts the paradigms of what localization is to the new level. It’s going to be big, and we hope to get a lot of people involved.

Next week I’ll start with the first demos.

p.s. those who like to read the code, may find first bits of fresh code in my hg repo. Yummy! Isn’t it? 馃檪

main mozilla po polsku tech

Kr贸tko i na temat

Wraz ze wzrosem popularno艣ci Mozilli, a zw艂aszcza Firefoksa, pojawia si臋 coraz wi臋cej informacji i artyku艂贸w na jego temat.

Natomiast ze wzgl臋du na zmiany w modelu dzia艂ania medi贸w internetowych, tytu艂y i artyku艂y staj膮 si臋 coraz bardziej prowokuj膮ce i “skandalizowane”.

W konsekwencji dw贸ch powy偶szych, w ostatnich tygodniach przeczyta艂em, 偶e:

  • Mozilla promuje Binga
  • Mozill臋 wykupi Microsoft
  • Mozilla nie umie zdobywa膰 rynku wi臋c popar艂a tzw. “browser ballot”
  • Dodatki do Firefoksa b臋d膮 p艂atne, na czym strac膮 u偶ytkownicy
  • Firefox b臋dzie cz臋艣ciowo p艂atny
  • Firefox jest powolny i zu偶ywa du偶o pami臋ci

Poniewa偶 nat艂ok tych informacji jest ogromny oraz rozproszony, postanowi艂em zacz膮膰 g臋艣ciej korzysta膰 ze swojego twittera (@zbraniecki) do reagowania na tego typu przejawy kreatywno艣ci.

Po prawej stronie na dole tego bloga znajdziecie te偶 ostatnie wpisy. Postaram si臋 nie za艣mieca膰 feed贸w, ale szybko prostowa膰.

Nota bene, nie jestem w stanie zrozumie膰 jak to mo偶liwe, 偶e *nikt* z tych dziennikarzy, pisz膮c o tym, nie skontaktowa艂 si臋 z nami. W ostatnim czasie *ka偶da* informacja zwi膮zanej z Mozill膮 kt贸r膮 znalaz艂em w polskich serwisach newsowych zawiera艂a b艂膮d, przek艂amanie, pomy艂k臋 lub nadinterpretacj臋. Nie mog臋 si臋 doczeka膰 gdy Ci sami dziennikarze zaczn膮 narzeka膰, 偶e czytelnictwo spada i g艂owi膰 si臋 b臋d膮 co mo偶e by膰 tego przyczyn膮.

main mozilla tech

The world stands on its head

Unrelated opening
Every one of us has those moments when you find yourself old. Even teenagers do, when their younger friends teach them how to use the latest hype du jour on the Internet. I, for one, feel profanely old today, and kind of hardly accepting the reality of the approaching “middle age” thing.

“It’s rare that you see an artist in his 30s or 40s able to really contribute something amazing.” said Steve Jobs. Thanks Steve…

But that was not supposed to be about me becoming 26. It was supposed to be about another miracle that nobody expected to ever happen. Or at least, I’m still genuinely surprised whenever I see the dream of yesterday becoming reality of today.

So, maybe for many of you it will not come as anything striking, kind of聽 “yea, Poland has always had good community and Firefox market share is above average”, but for me it’s an impossible coming real.

Down to the point just published another round of their browser stats for Poland. According to those, Chrome just passed 3% of market share in Poland. It is a real deal. I remember Firefox having 3% – in December 2004, month after 1.0 release, after 6 years of work, Mozilla based browser reached 3% of market share. But that’s not only that! Opera just week ago gained a point and reached 10% of market share in Poland! I remember it – May 2005 – Firefox 1.x at 10.2%.

And having that, we have also Firefox breaking 52% of market share in Poland! 52% is the high and it is clearly an outstanding result that heavily influences the way we should think about Internet in Poland. It’s an amazing award from the users to the Mozilla project and, especially, a group of people in the team and those working on community forum.

In result of all of this, Internet Explorer in Poland, the one web browser that dictated, for over 10 years, how the web looks like, ten years in which the Internet has been shaping up, this web browser has now only 33.38% of market share. One third. Vox populi at its best.

We have 2/3 of users using modern web browsers, and if we add IE8 here, it gets to 3/4, 75% of users. IE6 is used by less than 9% of users and it means that, for example, just by watching the stats, companies will do better by investing in making sure their website works with Opera than checking it in IE6!

Hard to express this feeling. It’s amazing that we can see modern browsers not cannibalizing each other, but sharing the market share gains.

Wake up, revisit the web today, it’s party time!
Think of what’s possible because of that. We have the Web today that means something different for the users and web authors. They can slowly start to ignore IE6, and that is a real deal for everyone who does the web hacking. Users can utilize the powerful webtools, banks can invest in reach online banking, people are also free to choose their operating system because their online experience wont degrade because of that. People can choose out of four major web browsers that are in a healthy competition or they can choose from one of the less mainstream, but still high quality ones like K-Meleon, Camino, Seamonkey, Arora, Epiphany… Over 52% of Polish internet users can change how the websites look via extensions, and how their browser works and what they see via adblocks, flashblocks and others. They can influence their experience and by vast majority they chose their web browser by themselves, understanding what they are doing and knowing that they have a choice now.

I’m pretty sure that this is true not only for Poland, but for other countries. Hungary, where Firefox is at 52%. Latvia with Firefox at 50%,聽 Bulgaria, where Firefox is above 45% and just passing by IE. Ukraine where Opera has 34% and Firefox has 26%… and I’m still talking about just one region, while the rest of Europe is going through the similar process.

Five years after Firefox 1.0 has been released, we have a different web. The web which has new challenges and opportunities. We have to raise to them and I believe that the next 5 years is going to be super exciting!

main mozilla tech

Silme is getting ready for 1.0

Not today, maybe not tomorrow, but Silme library is getting ready for its prime time.

I’m currently working on Silme 0.9 which is shaping up to be a release where we packed up all the lessons we learned while working on the project for the last year and a half. It’s going to be the last release with non-frozen API before 1.0 so we have to be sure we’re happy with 0.9 before we release it.

Then, we’ll have Silme 1.0 which is a goo moment to revisit the name of the library. I know native english speakers may find it a good idea 馃槈