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Aktualizacja w sprawie EULI

W tym momencie najbardziej prawdopodobne ostateczne rozwiązanie kwestii EULI w Fx będzie wyglądało tak:

1) Przy pierwszym uruchomieniu programu pojawi się pasek notyfikacji z informacją, że Mozilla Firefox to wolny i darmowy program wydawany przez non-profitową Mozilla Fundation. Po prawej pojawi się przycisk “Poznaj swoje prawa”

2) Po kliknięciu w niego zostaniemy przeniesieni na stronę about:rights na której znajdzie się coś w tym stylu:

Mozilla Firefox jest programem darmowym i otwartym, tworzonym przez społecznośc tysięcy ludzi z całego świata.
Jest kilka rzeczy o których powinieneś wiedzieć:

  • Firefox jest rozpowszechniany na licencji Mozilla Public License. Oznacza to, że możesz używać, kopiować i redystrybuować Firefoksa innym. Możesz także modyfikować kod źródłowy Firfoksa tak jak chcesz, aby odpowiadał Twoim potrzebom. Możesz także dystrybuować swoją zmodyfikowaną wersję, pod warunkiem, że spełnisz wymagania MPL.
  • Mozilla nie daje żadnych praw do znaków handlowych Mozilli ani Firefoksa.
  • Firefox posiada także usługi informacyjne (“Usługi”), takie jak funkcje bezpiecznego przeglądania; jednakże, nie możemy zagwarantować, że te serwisy będą w 100% dokładne i wolne od błędów. Zapoznaj się ze szczegółami i informacjami jak wyłączyć te funkcje tutaj [odnośnik].

3) Poniżej znajdzie się przycisk “Zapoznaj się całą umową”

Co o tym sądzcie?

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Bug 448604

W środku zlotu społeczności Mozilli w Whistler, BC, Kanada, na jedyną drogę łącząca Whistler z Vancouver spadła lawina.

Staramy się nie stracić pogody ducha. 🙂

Lekcja na przyszłość – nigdy nie wybieraj na miejsce spotkania miasta, którego nazwa jest nazwą kodową Microsoftu…

Update: Teraz jeszcze jakaś ciężarówka przecieła linie i nie mamy prądu w hotelu… robi się ciekawie 🙂

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Mozilla in Europe – Firefox Summit presentation

Few minutes ago Tristan and I delivered a presentation on Mozilla presence in Europe and because not everyone could join us, I was asked to push our slides online. Here you are:

Enjoy 🙂

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Silme goes public

Mitchell Baker speaking
Mitchell Baker speaking

Last half a year was amazing for me. I joined Mozilla Corp., reignited my participation in Mozilla project, worked on several exciting projects and it’s an amazing coincident that this half a year is almost over exactly now, when I’m sitting at Whistler, with 400 creative, innovative people and we’re all listening to Mitchell Baker speaking about our open source roots, and the trunk of the project being about “Human interaction with the Internet”… It’s thrilling.

There are several projects that I’m trying to launch related to Mozilla, I will be speaking about them during the Firefox Summit, and I will blog about it once the summit people share their feedback on it.

One of the elements of Mozilla ecosystem that has been super exciting for me is localization and internationalization. And the great news is that there’s a lot happening around L10n in Mozilla these days. We’re improving the l10n build system, l10n processes, but there’s one very visibly missing area in L10n land – tools. We finally have a project that is going to target this – Verbatim. Verbatim is a project aiming for a webtool that will allow localizers focus on the translation instead of having to spend time trying to figure out how to do the actual translation. If you’re in Whistler, we have a presentation on Verbatim today 🙂

But that’s not all! There is one project that was something I’ve been coding over weekends and while at the airports and on flights and in many other places. It’s inspiring and challenging for me enough to keep working on it over evenings, nights, sundays, and holidays which I have to apologize for to my girlfriend 🙁

Yesterday, I tagged stage2 of the project which means it’s more or less ready to go public and be reviewed by you all, and has a chance to explain itself to the level that may attract others to join me and participate in it.

The project name is Silme, and it is a python localization library that has been structured in a multi-abstract level model. Thanks to it, the library works natively with DTD, Properties, GetText, can work with XLIFF, L20n, ini files and any other l10n data format. Beside, it can work with files stored on drive, in SVN, in CVS, in MySQL, SQLite and virtually any other data source.

On the other hand it’s extensible and flexible enough to work in web app, command line tools, or GUI tools. It’s not only for Mozilla, as any other project can build apps on top of this library. Be it Songbird, Miro, Seamonkey, Firefox, Thunderbird,, Flock, GNOME, KDE, etc., etc.

If you find above description interesting, please read the original announcement and join the project. It’s totally open and very alpha. If I try to express where I am with it, I think I just passed the mark when the code self explains the idea. Nothing more.

Beside, it’s a lib. Unless people like to localize directly in python env, we need apps on top of it. And it’s at least as challenging as a library itself, but if you want to write a localization app, I think it’ll be easier if you will be able to focus on UI and features of the app, and minimize the work on sole entity operations that Silme does cover.

So… here we are. I’m confident I will keep working on it, and some small simple apps will be created for my own use, but it’s very, very far from being useful, and need a lot of work to get there. Ultimate goal will be to work smoothly with an exciting project that is being mindcrafted in Mozilla these days – L20n.

Please, remember that it’s a hobby library for now, a product of several years of work as localizer, countless nights spent with my friends from – Polish Localization Team, and the creative environment of Mozilla project. It’s up to you all what will happen next with it 🙂 So mail me, or reach me on IRC if you want to discuss things about possibilities that Silme opens!

main mozilla tech

Tomorrow in Moscow and then to Obninsk!

Tomorrow, I’m comming to Moscow to meet with Mozillians 🙂
We’ll be in Rosie pub (google map) starting from 16:00 I think (at least me, because of my flight).

So, if you’re in Moscow these days, and have a free afternoon/evening tomorrow, and you think you might be a little bit thirsty – join us, I’d like to use this opportunity to meet as much of you as possible!!! 🙂

Then, on Monday, we’ll be going to Protva Open Source conference in Obninsk, where I’ll be presenting the vision Mozilla has on the Internet and the future of open web. It’ll be exciting for me to be there with all those people who work on the open source in the country that is currently doing a huge step toward open source schools, and if you combine with how big Russia is… amazing 🙂

So feel free to join us tomorrow or see you at the conference!

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The Fox is growing in Russia

With the recent announcement by we got a chance to look at the browser market in Russia.

Firefox is just breaking the 20% mark there which means up 5% during recent 5 months (15% in the end of January).

The other good news is that the modern browsers are up by 11% and especially Firefox 3 is really received well with over 6% of the market in less than 2 weeks from the release!

In other countries in the region, Firefox 3 is also getting good grades from the users. In Poland over 5% of the Internet users have switched and in Hungary it’s almost 6%!

What’s interesting in those number is where the users came from. So in case of Poland, Firefox 3 raised 4% in two weeks, 2.9% came from former Firefox 2 users, 0.7% from IE6 users and 0.3% from IE7 users!

In all countries of the CEE region that we track, we can see from 4 to 6% of the market taken by Firefox 3 users in such a short time after the release. The response is amazing and it’s the best prove that the work of Mozilla project matters. Congratulations to MozillaRu,, Magyar Mozilla Project and all of you who contributed to this achievment!

p.s. Just to compare, it took Firefox 1.0 over 10 months to get 6% of the market share in Russia, it took Firefox 2.0 over 5 months to break 6%, and it took Firefox 3.0 around two weeks.

main mozilla po polsku tech

Imprezy Firefoksa 3 w Polsce!

W ten weekend zespół spotyka się na piwie w Krakowie i Warszawie. Tym razem zdecydowaliśmy sie na małe spotkania – cały projekt wydania Firefoksa 3 był tak ogromny, że chętnie usiądziemy w spokoju w pubie i napijemy się czegoś opowiadając sobie o wydaniu i pracy nad nim.

Jeśli ktoś z Was jeszcze zastanawia się co będzie robił w sobotę w Krakowie lub niedzielę w Warszawie to zapraszamy 🙂 To dobra okazja, żeby wznieść choć jeden toast – za otwarty Internet, którego już nikt nam nie odbierze 🙂

main mozilla po polsku tech

8 000 000

Co jeszcze mogę powiedzieć?

Osiem milionów

Nie mam pomysłu co powiedzieć… Mam nadzieję, że to będzie osiem milionów najbardziej zadowolonych ze swojej przeglądarki ludzi na świecie 😀

p.s. nie mówiąc o np. 14 milionach pobrań Firefoksa 3 z No bo po co o tym mówić? przecież to i tak szaleństwo…

main mozilla po polsku tech

Air Mozilla Live

Chcesz zobaczyć jak zespół Kaniadyjski celebruje wydanie? Zajrzyj na Air Mozilla! 🙂

P.S. Tak, wiemy, że air mozilla może być jednym z niewielu serwerów które w tym momencie działają. Dajcie nam kilka minut. Zrobiło się tłoczno ;D

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100k and beyond!!!

We did it!

Poland has over 100 000 pledges on Download Day campaign!

Isn’t it crazy?

And Russia which joined the campaign in the last minute has over 45 thousand pledges! We all know how big Russia is, but at the same time, we’re just starting winning the hearts of Internet users in Russia and Ukraine, so we’re proud to see them joining us in such big numbers!

Of course Western Europe is traditionally strong, France is  rushing to join us above 100k (us=Poland, Italy, Brazil!) 🙂

It’s so amazing time. Pretty often journalists ask me how has Firefox changed Internet. Beside of web reincarnation, prove of open model concept etc… there’s one more thing. We brought back FUN to the web. Creating open and free browser may be a great and exciting journey for us all. And our astonishing community is the very best prove of it in todays world. Welcome to Generations Y‘s world 🙂

P.S. it’s less than 4 hours…!