
Meet Mr. Face

Acid2 in Firefox nightly Ok, mister Fanatic, you saw that in Safari, iCab, Konqueror and Opera. Now you can see it in Firefox 🙂

Sooo… Mr. Fanatic, meet Mr. Face.

Mr. Face, meet Mr. Fanatic. He’s been waiting for you for many months, and he’s probably very happy now to see you in such a great shape. I hope you’ll stay friends 🙂
P.S. Kudos and credits goes to Mr. Incredible for his reflow branch!



I made some short photo set from Flock new office 🙂

Click here


Gecko hits 20%!

According to, which is the biggest polish statistic system covering near to 100% of the market… After 1,5 year from Firefox 1.0 release, 1.5 year of hard work… We’ve just hit 20%! 😀
With todays, every-week status update biuletin, Gecko has 20% of the marketshare here!!! Congratulations to whole AviaryPL team, MozillaPL community, and of course whole Mozilla project!

Also, in this biuletin, there’s a graph of OS/Web browser usage, and it seems that in Poland, Windows 98/Firefox 1.x has 1.5% of users which is NOT good because Mozilla just dropped support for pre-Windows2k machines.

12.4% of Windows 98 users in Poland use Firefox 1.x. It seems that Mozilla will loose this market (I hope that those people will switch to Opera). The good news is that this will happen for Firefox 3.0 (Q1 2007) release, Fx 2.0 will work there.
Once more. 20% for Gecko in Poland! It’s THE time to celebrate!


Hacking Flock with Venkman Debugger

There’s the awesome tool made by Robert Ginda called Venkman Debugger.

There’s even a great tutorial on how to use Venkman, but it covers only the area of debugging your website scripts.

So, with help from Vera, using Yosh and Ian as a testers, I hacked a small tutorial that covers the hole and presents two trivial examples on how to use Venkman to hack Flock (and also applies to hacking Camino, Seamonkey, K-Meleon, Firefox your extension and your website of course).

I also did a small presentation on today’s meeting, on how the numbers looks for Flock, and how to clean the issues using various hand and automated tools.

We’re starting working on Flock’s performance as we’re slowly getting near to 1.0, and Jesse is full ahead now hunting for redundant code, unused timer calls, bottlenecks etc. Cross your fingers 🙂


Trip to Mountain View next Tuesday

I have a trip to Mountain View next Tuesday and I’ll stay there for almost three weeks!

I can’t wait to see the new Flock’s office and the atmosphere of  The Forge 😉 See you there all!


Microsoft is working on three IE versions at the same time now!

Cite from

“Gates said Microsoft is already working on the next two versions after IE 7”

Mozilla is also working on Fx 2.0 and 3.0 at the same time, next race is just about to begin…


LightBox rox!

Oh, this user script is great! It’s exactly the direction where we should go – make web easier to use, reduce the number of steps you need to perform an action, improve the speed of web usage…

Hell! Even ignore the website author intention if it slows down the user. Yes, I mean that, I said that! User must be the winner, we have good browsers now, we have Firefox, Camino, Seamonkey, Epiphany, K-meleon, Opera, they’re all good, but we must go to the next stage.

And the next stage is not about creating a great tool to click on the links and move back and forward. It’s about creating shortcuts through the Internet. It’s about creating algorithms that will influence the user experience, modify the websites (platypus is on the right direction), change their layout, design, aggregate data from the websites and show it to the user in the most convinient way.

In the future there will be no split into web authors and web users, every user will co-create the Internet, what was the intention of Tim Berners-Lee, and  the whole design and layout of the web page will be just a default skin, that user can use to to read the data, and will change if he won’t like it. Sorry, not much space for you,  client-side web developers, you’ll have to morph into skin authors who’ll create set of skins for companies that will share it to the users.  I don’t think that the WWW world is ready for this, but I know that users are. And it’s all about the users ;>


iPod, the MS way…

Great self-joke from Microsoft folks. The style vs. fashion again?


Web 2.0 browser

There is only one browser in the world that can compete with Flock today for the crown of The Web 2.0 browser.

It’s Deer Park alpha2 trunk nightly from Gecko Reflow branch – it supports AJAX, it supports DHTML, hell, it fixes the only Acid2 bug there is, but what makes it a truly Web 2.0 browser by heart and soul is that it goes one step forward. It does not support tables at all! Brave step 🙂

Seriously, I’m happy to notice that David Baron is working on tables now and it seems that we’ll have the first builds that will render Acid2 properly (and zillion other reflow and incremental bugs fixed) very soon. Gecko 1.9 will rock :>


OS X Tiger demo

Mac OS X demo. Sweet 🙂